Bridgestone Blizzack REVO 1
Total Cost: CAD$480
I also found these other blizzacks in similar sizes for less money:
Bridestone Blizzack WS-50
Total Cost: CAD$445
Bridgestone Blizzack REVO 1
Total Cost: CAD$460
Alternatively if you aren’t looking for such a high end tire you could go with these which aren’t too shabby:
Winterforce M+S
Total Cost: CAD$435
Winterforce M+S
Total Cost: CAD$385
That last one sounds like your best bet - it definitely doesnt hurt to have a slightly taller winter tire (the 60 profile) as long as it will clear everything (I don’t know your setup - it would clear on a stock setup)
Hey jammin… can you get nokians winters as well? How do they compare to blizzacks? Would you be able to get these tires for 225/55/16? What’s the price for tires only?
As far as comparison to Blizzack’s - I don’t recall reading any direct comparisons but I know that the Haka and the Blizzack dmz3 are kind of the big players in the top of the winter traction game. Haka’s are crazy expensive as far as I know but I’ve never really looked in to it to be honest.
Just your luck, the 195/60/15 REVO 1 are discontinued and are on closeout… when I sort by price its one of the best ranked tires on the list and the cheapest.
Just for everyones info, the PICK-UP shipment is now full - i have a lot of action via PM and it filled up quickly (I pm’d 15 people or so when this GB was posted)
The new supplier ships directly to me so there are no capacity issues, I will continue to quote prices for anything from there as you guys request quotes… nothing has changed really, just no more hankook winters available for now… everything else is good to go (including blizzack, x-ice, m3 sport, etc.)
the friggn canadian dollar dropped like 5% in 2 days which really hurts me when I’m doing stuff like this… if it loses much more ground tomorrow I’m going to be forced to re-quote everyone. I’ll handle that on an individual basis if it does happen but just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
my order is up to around 70 pieces of wheels+tires + a bunch of wipers and bulbs… hopefully placing the final order tomorrow - didnt hear from someone who I promised a place to so have to push the order out a day. this is getting craazzyyyyyyy
Get me a price for the Blizzaks as well as the cheapest ones you can get for comparison purposes.
He was also looking at Pirellis, so a price on some of those would be cool too.