Growth down to 1.6%, economy chat ITT.

When the Euro starts losing it’s value, everything else goes down with it, just 10x harder.

wow, a lot of anti-republican/economic liberalism, and socialistic views up in this thread.

Both cars that I’ve owned since I turned 16 were made at the same plant in Lordstown, Ohio. lol

Where’s the motivation for people to work hard and earn a good living when the government can just steal from them at any time they desire with nothing more than a signature needed to make it “official”.

thread isn’t meant to be that, and I definitely don’t sit on that side of the fence. I don’t see how it’s anti-republican but w/e. It’s a discussion. You can’t blame entire parties.

Some crazy ass views in here, WTF!

by wanting to tax big business for outsourcing and salary caps is anti-republican/economic liberalism; also salary caps are in a way socialistic.

i normally dont get involved in these conversations cause its a big pissing match but here goes . just a few of why this country will fail is we give minorities tax free buisness openings , minorities free healthcare and so on , let em in the country , and so on . while the middle class work there asses off to support these parasites so they can send it all home and live like rockstars . second is the pay people get for doin shit , athletes are the biggest ones , i mean really multi million dollar deals to do what ? play football pleaseeeee. the war we have , instead of sendin troops over send inmates that are lifers and so on . might as well get suttin out of em seein as we pay for them to live for free . i could go on and on but this is just off the top of my head

Well I agree with some of the points everybody has posted here and disagree with others. First Salary caps are idiotic and will only encourage motivated and intelligent people to look for work elsewhere. Second not bailing out some major banking/ investment firms and companies like GM could have very well caused a far worse economic downturn. The question about out sourcing is a very loaded one. I have degrees in both business and supply chain management and out sourcing has many pros and cons. First of all there are tariffs on many imported goods to keep domestic producers competitive. However if you guys still want to be able to go to wally world and buy t shirts for 5 bucks they will have to be made in the 3rd world for dirt cheap. What many American companies have found is that value added processes need to be kept inshore. There is a trend of improvements in quality stopping when key processes are sent over seas. Anyway rant over this topic is far too soft to have a hard answer. National economies are too complex to really forecast accurately and our only real option is to move forward not backwards. So who knows maybe it’s time for me to buy some more guns and get ready for the liberals and crazies to try and run this place into the ground.

I said nothing about salary caps. You’re confusing me for another poster.

It’s a fact outsourcing is killing the USA.

I’ll just leave this here.

The meltup.

i didnt say just you, i said this THREAD.

not a great data platform… but food for thought !

Explain how arod making millions kills the economy.

Also explain who will decide how much is too much, and how they will come to that conclusion.

Explain who will get the money that would have otherwise been paid to employees? Let me guess…people with no job?

The general public should be the ones deciding how much is too much, but they don’t. Using A-rod as an example, if the Steinbrenner’s want to pay him $300+M over 6 years, they have every right to do so. But if in doing so they have to charge $300/seat and the public says, “No, that’s too much and I’m not going to pay that”, then it wouldn’t be cost effective for the organization to pay that salary. But instead of people standing up and saying “We will not pay $3,000 for a new TV; we will not pay $180 to see Bruce Springsteen” they pay the money which just reinforces the thought that people are worth so much more than they actually are.

and as these people pay more and more and things become more and more exspensive the value of the dollar is lost.

for example a 20 oz bottle of MTN dew used to cost $0.89 say you have your $0.05 bottle deposit and $0.07 tax so that MTN dew is worth $0.77. Today that same exact 20 oz mtn dew cost $1.79. Pepsi hasnt done anything to MTN dew since then, the haven’t made it better or made the bottle bigger or done anything to increase the cost of production for it it just cost more cause they can charge more and blame inflation. So MTn hasn’t become a better product to demand cost ing more it means the value of the dollar has dropped because it takes more $$$ to purchase the same thing.

So when they increase minimum wage and increase all these salaries and sports is one of the biggest culprits for huge stupid inflated salaries and increases it is devaluing the $$$ even more. If they capped it in some way in some areas or policed these huge salaries it would be a step in the right direction.

I’m not trying to be an asshole but most of what you guys said is not going to fix anything. Honestly whats bullshit is the big cuts in healthcare. However, most of you have concentrated your ideas on too small a topic when really its much easier. America needs to stop pretending to play hero. We spent billions helping out in the middle east. Even stateside weve spent billions to help out those who dont want to get jobs. Noone has ever had a problem with only worrying about your own providence/city state/country in the past, in fact they flourished. The roman empire under diocletion would take the homeless and make them work in the army. Instead we pay for people not to work who “cant find work”. Im 19 and have never had a problem finding a job. I know its much easier for someone older than me willing to work full time to find one as well.

I am 27 and i have never had muc of a problem finding work either. I have recently seen my GF have a hard time finding a job. That is another thing employers have become ridiculous with their hiring process. Place have you go through 3-4 interviews only to tell you in the 4th interview that they chose someone else. The post up help wanted signs only to tell people who apply that well the really just need someone for 5-6 hours a week. America has become the most inefficient machine in all of history

there’s a difference between part-time non-careerr based work and someone who needs to support a family.

i personally am having a hardtime finding work ever since i was let go by the local police department due to a cutback in funding. i just went on an interview yesterday for package and shipping position. i have interviewed there three times already, it’s fucking pathetic. i had to sign a background check form, and everything.

mean while, i have to wait until public school opens up again so i can get a chance to be called in as a substitute teacher for the day.

Also I agree with SRS BZNS in terms of cap’ing salaries. This needs to be done in the public sector immediately. I find it insane that school administration are making over $150k a year and teachers are making over 100k a year. By me the superintendent is making the same as a US Senator.

For teachers it should be cap’ed at $80k and admin $100k. Also do DMV workers like cashiers really need to make $20/hour to basically perform the same function as someone at McD?

im sure if the teacher’s union saw this they would blackball me from getting a job, heh.

And to continue where you left off there it seems that some of the most highly pad teachers are elementary school teachers. I mean $100k for 6 month of “advanced baby sitting” is a little unreasonable.

What might also have a positive turn is to lower the age for retirement or set an universal age for forced retirement. people working in unions for over 40 years are making a ton more than if the union hired a rookie out of college and honestly what they learned 40 years ago is alot lees than what the new kid fresh out of college knows