Grr. small rant.

So my car is in utica right now.
I was leaving the track this morning (snocross)
and I was traveling down a seasonal road. I bottomed out. Heard a big smack.

Heading down 1-90 i see smoke billowing out of my car.
Just then the oil light comes on. I pull over and to my dismay I had oil leaking out. I cracked the oil pan.
Now my car is in syracuse. And I have to pay full price on parts…when my grandpas dealer would do it for wayyyy cheaper.
Oh yeah. I got a seatbelt ticket before this as well.
end rant.


Even mother nature thinks that VWs suck.

edit: Oh, Utica. I take that back, mother nature doesn’t live in that run down hole in the ground.

Damn, how bad was it cracked? :tdown:

EDIT: Assuming you can’t do the quick fix thing.



well just hope that there isn’t anymore damage than just a cracked oil pan…

good thing you aren’t a retard and noticed it. I can picture some broad driving the car into the ground because all the oil leaked out and seized that shit.

poor durbo :frowning:

oh noes tyler. you dont have AAA?

Tow it back from Ithaca and swap in a 3.6L VR!

this is a time where jb weld would be your best friend.

Meh yeah. It lost all the oil in about 30 minutes…well.almost all.the rest leaked out on the flatbed.
Danm seasonal roads.
VW road side assistance couldn’t tow me becuase 1-90 is a restricted highway.
But they covered all of my towing expenses. Which was $190.
I guess it serves me right. I should not have been going that fast on a seasonal road.
I also have a nice scratched up front lip due to the car being to low to get on the flat bed.
Good thing the lip is that black plastic stuff so it won’t show.

Eh? So i can have the same HP and be a lot more heavier than I already am with shittier gas mpg.
no thanks.
I would like to swap a tdi in there though.

I heard this crazy story about a Mini Cooper S once that was invloved in a simaler accedent.

Altho it was RR Tracks that where unmarked. the said person was able to sue the town it was in for the damages.

But they had the mini towed it to the dealer and they had to call “95 jetta” (thats his username here I think) and he came and picked up said person at 11:30pm and he was a hour and a half away.

conclusion 14K in damages.

14K in damage WTF? was the railroad tracks equipted with a bomb as well?

I don’t think I could sue the town, I wouldn’t even try. It’s not their fault. The road was a seasonal road.

props. good man :tup:

“Hypothetical Speaking”