grrls r dum


Way to pwn a nyspeed newman groupie

this is what I picture

And yes you’re right…party on. Eventually you’ll get bored though.

i’m SURE i will.

and when i am (at about age 40), hopefully there are a few good girls in their early 20s left. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol @ pic. :tup:

oh and girls ARE dumb. :tup:

That would have been so much funnier if it weren’t for the “you’re”. :tif:

already been covered, thanks for playing.

I <3 dumb hot chicks.

I’ll be out mingling with plenty tonight.

I don’t know how you guys seriously put up with this shit. After high school I couldn’t even pretend to put up with dumb hot broads long enough to finish my beer. I had my fill, they are all the same.

I love the fact that my girlfriend gets pissed when we haven’t:
Shot guns lately
Went offroading
Went quading
Had sex in 24 hours

I remember when I did that to an egg I think I was 8 or 9.

you have the best girlfriend alive.

I really want to go home and microwave an egg now.

Girlfriends are for chumps anyway. My schedule is way too busy for a serious relationship right now.

not even for nikki?

LOL that was such a mess. She had no idea what was going on. She thought we were meant to be or something. Hell, one time I had another girl pick me up to hang out while she was over. Can we say denial?

It’s okay though. I think she found a new future hubby

o god
