GT-R Crash


Okay, good. Now deal with my sarcasm.

you assumed.


  1. to take for granted or without proof


  1. a proposition, or set of propositions, set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation (working hypothesis) or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts.

now, what happened in this thread is one, not the other. and anybody with an education past 9th grade should easily know which one with the definitions sitting there in front of you. that is all i will say about this, oh and this, if you still need help, its that first part you read.


it’s an ongoing joke here on shift… your vs you’re. I’ve done it in several threads over the past weeks and even explained it to benny and k20 cause they made the same stupid comment as you. I know you are on this forum constantly and probably never miss a post, so I’m shocked that you didn’t get it. Guess your an idiot, too. :nuts

…try again

comparing your incredibly stupid assumptions to meteorologist is even more retarded then your original assumptions. Forecasting is not the same thing as assuming… you didn’t forecast… you made very stupid assumptions with ZERO factual backing. forecasting actually involves patterns, trends, and FACTS!!. All you had at the time was: supercar, high speed crash… and you supposedly “forecasted” that these rich guys were fucking around.


drown in a septic tank

so u guys are just fighting over what now?

this is a forum, all communication it done via text, so go back and read if you care so much. If you don’t care, then y even post?

well, i thought this was a “gtr crash” discussion but now i dont know what its about. something about people assuming and others saying dont assume things? did i get it?

“You have no frame of reference here, Donny, you’re like a child wandering into a movie…”


I’m done arguing, even if were to prove you wrong or assume correctly you will continue to argue and ramble on anyway. Although this is a good way to kill time in between classes. :banana And I believe Clifford already discussed the difference between assume vs predict vs forecast vs big black penis in your ass. I think we get it now.

It done via text, yo! :crackup

No shittttttttttttttttttttttt.

cause there is nothing for you to prove… you made very stupid assumptions. Thats a clear cut fact. Some reason you continue to post all while thinking you can prove that you didn’t assume or that since your assumptions were right then it takes away from how dumb they were.

stay off the forums and go study, you need it.

what is your point? OMg, I said “it” instead of “is”… is that what you are trying to get on me? you really are an idiot


Someone move this to the battlefield, this is great. :lmao Some random person who doesn’t even know me calling me an idiot through a forum. ROFL.

If you’re going to be an e-badassfag then at least type the right way. It just looks better and more “professional.”

“ROFL”… what you are, 13?

the “professional” term was said by your little buddy K20, not me. So again, get your shit right… try again

I actually do have to shit pretty badly now that you mentioned it. :ssh

k20 > you :tong

Oh wait no… I just assumed that.

K20 > *, fact

Is that you in your avatar? Always meant to ask. I just assumed that it was but I wanted to get the FACTS frist before I said anything.

And remember, this is a forum. All communication is done via text.