GT-R does 7:29 around nurburgring.

Into a huge headwind, according to GM. And after reviewing the vid, there a several times he is giving up major time. Now, before I get bashed I’m not saying I could do any better. That is such an insane venue and requires giant, brass balls. But he’s too hot in a few sections which puts him a good bit off-line for a turn or two (for example, at ~6:11 he’s frustrated enough w/ his drift to take a hand off the wheel for a bit), and maybe a bit too slow in others. None-the-less it was still an amazing job of driving, especially for a GM engineer as opposed to a pro. But there is NO doubt in my mind a pro with hundreds of or thousands of laps at the 'ring could shave a few seconds off. What a car!

And oh nOes… GTR’s breaking!!!11!!!one!