GTA IV downloadable content

TTT Has anyone played this yet? I just started the download. :slight_smile:

Waiting to see if there will be a way to download it for free. I’d feel weird paying for an expansion pack to a game I downloaded. :lol:

Started playing last night, seems quite solid so far. Made motorcycles MUCH easier to drive, in that they can corner now. Some interesting MP additions as well.

Oooh, that’s huge because I hated the bikes in latest version and loved them in San Andreas.

:word: Almost fully downloaded. I’ll pop in later. I’m off today and have nothing to do until later tonight. :slight_smile:

does gta4 support cross platform multiplayer? my roommate has a ps3 i have a computer

Is this the game where you drive the taxi around and you can change the radio stations?

you can drive a taxi if you want

i downloaded this the other night, plan to indulge in this tonight considering i had a rough night at the bar last night…

like you have to pick people up and take them places before a timer runs out, right?

i think i played it and it was fun.

crazy taxi perhaps?

im pretty sure hes referring to crazy taxi…:rofl: GTA is an unmistakable game. There is nothing like it, besides Saints Row who thought they could come close, but just didnt do it.

and I quote, “Saints row is 10x better than GTA dude! You gotta buy this game!”


Wait… wtf happened to all of just karters posts in this thread… or in general?

Yeah I have noticed that fatty cakes hasn’t been posting lately.