1080i…you know it!
And oleg, i was a little drunk coming back from a party, i dont even remember posting in here, but i thought you were talking to me when you said “why limit yourself”. and BTW, i might have a small case of A.D.D…lol
1080i…you know it!
And oleg, i was a little drunk coming back from a party, i dont even remember posting in here, but i thought you were talking to me when you said “why limit yourself”. and BTW, i might have a small case of A.D.D…lol
man, don’t ya’ll kids have adderall or whatever?
sheesh ;D
i take back everything i said that was good about PS3. it fucking blows. Between system updates, installation, and updateing this game (gt5p) i have been sitting here since 5 :15 and haven’t even been able to play the fucking game yet. FUCK SONY.
so wait, u JUST got the system and teh game, and were hoping to play as fast as sega genesis
I hear ya. In my apartment we have a PS3 and an Xbox360. I have always been a Playstation fan.
Between the cock tease of a demo for GT HD
the lack of games/pushing back release dates on all of them
Interface with the playstation menu or whatever the hell you want to call it
Its just painful
With that being said, I never want to pay for the shitty ass Xbox live service and will put up with playstation for the free online feature anytime. Metal gear, GTA5, and GT5 will make or break the console.
edit; nevermind, for some reason the image got taken down
i’ve had the system for awhile… just hasn’t’ been on for a month.
doesnt matter anyway… this game is fucking sick. Immediately after i posted my bitch-session I got to play and the first thing I thought was “this definitely makes up for the install/bs” Its gorgeous, and I can’t stress enough how believeable the handling of the cars is… they really feel like they are doing what they are supposed to be doing.
told ya, all the work is for a reason.
Thats it, can’t wait til 29th so I can play me some GTAIV :lol
5 days!!!
Well, well only 2 days left :nod, I’ll be at GameStop the one at Mohawk Commons at 12AM on Monday night.
Ok I found a couple of new things to watch about GTAIV
IGN is saying that GTAIV will look/play better on PS3, but Xbox has its up’s too + we’ll get more DLC!!! from R* thanks to Microsoft $50mill ;D
WHAT THE FUCK!!! I’ll be at wally world in colbleskill at midnight.
:crackup LMAO im always dine there!
those trams from the first page? the red and white ones? i remember riding those <sigh>
so did anyone else get it/play it? IMO they seriously fucked up the motorcycle driving and the driving of cars is really different, i’m still on the fence about it. I’m not talking about control scheme, but how the stuff handles. seems cool so far, have yet to try multiplayer for fear of having to call in sick. i had alot to do this week.
how is the handling different? It’ll be awhile before I play this game, so fill me in.
I havent had a chance to ride the bikes to much other than to realize that when you crash them it hurts… badly. At one point I drove my car straight into a wall at full speed and flew through the windshield directly into the wall, that was interesting.
I love everything about it except the auto-aim.
I flew the annihilator to the top of the empire stat building, jumped off on top, with 6 stars mind you, watched the helicopter plummet to the earth, then proceeded to RPG every helicopter within view…oh, and if you let the helicopters chill you can wait for the swat guys to come down to the building on ropes, then toss a grenade at their feet and blow them right over the edge and watch them fall out of sight.
My favorite thing to do thus far is get going as fast as you can in the chopper, crank it to the side, bail, and LAUNCH yourself at like 200mph over the city…you skid/bounce/whack into people/poles/cars you name it…its great fun :rofl
Awesome game. Simply. AWESOME.
Oh, and the secret to riding the bikes is you basically have to take a race line everywhere…same goes for the cars…do your braking before a turn, not during, and be neutral on the throttle until you’ve cleared the apex and have a clean line, otherwise you just plow into the wall/pedestrian/car or w/e else you might be aiming towards…oh, and hiding yourself and sniping the shit out of people is fun as HELL.
get up high on a roof and spipe the dudes in construction cranes and watch them tumble out and down onto the ground onto some pedestrians