GTA N - Weekly VIP Meets

Ok, I’ll try this again whilst following the rules. Sorry to whomever…

Location: Center & Dufferin Plaza - Tim Horton’s - Thornhill

Directions: Coming from anywhere get onto Dufferin N. Heading Northbound past Steeles Ave. and you will pass a few intersections until you see the Tim Horton’s on the Right hand side. Heading Southbound look out for the Tim’s once you pass highway 7 and the 407. It will be on your left hand side.

Start Time: Tentative for 9pm.

Date: Weekly or Biweekly, has yet to be decided.

Description: Come out and have a blast as we always do. Each week a new cruise is selected. Nothing far, but we will head to different locations every meet. First we usually will meet at the Center and Dufferin Tim’s plaza. Make fun of some ricers, then decide where to go and head out. Locations will not be predecided. Everyone will have a say.

So if you’re bored and in the area, or wanna meet some cool people, come hang out. It’s always a blast, and the people who come out usually can attest to this.

its gay dont go

what a terrible meet spot

clearly this is just to get the thread going again…monday night was funny

Exactly Matt, this is to get the thread within the rules of the forum. The location and cruise will differ meet to meet Mike. (asshole)

thats dumb then no1 will know where to go… and for you to tell everyone where to go and directions ect… and to be there on time…

sounds like alot of work.

P.S. no1 bought you when i put u up FS dan, that makes you worthless.

P.S. x2 ill see if i can be there next week or whatnot causeeeeee those meets are funny


Shutup Kyle!

Come down south tonight man!

thats dumb then no1 will know where to go… and for you to tell everyone where to go and directions ect… and to be there on time…

We will have a central meeting spot where we meet up until we go for our cruise. Understanding this yet?

This isn’t open for discussion really, for those of us that meet up every weekend its tons of fun, i’m just inviting other to join.

you know how i am with timeeeee im always late.

crucial info left out…

which weekday? congrates…

I said it has not been determined yet.

Reading owns you.

how does reading own me exactly? concise writing skills elude you is more like it, because if you read it, it says; “weekly or biweekly, has yet to be decided”, nothing about the weekday.

very nice…

It says DATE: meaning the day of the week, the fact of whether it is biweekly or weekly, AND the day has yet to be determined. However since nobody shows up for the R-Hill meets anymore, WE may choose friday.

Darian, I thought we were friends, what’s with the pure raw animal hatred?

you spelt my name right… we may be friends… have I met you before?..

I enjoy razz’ing’ people…

its all non-consequential anyways… I was moreso curious…

We haven’t met. And I izzs goods at spelzing.

We are friends now:D Your invited to the VIP meet :wink:

CG right now, if anybody is interested!

so now there are 5 ppl invited to “vip weekends”?

Haha, anybody is welcome, they just gotta be invited first :wink:

can you name the 5 ? that are invited?