
This is what I posted on another site…

I’m sorry, but the sandbox theme is getting out of hand. It’s dead. I haven’t been interested in a GTA since San Andreas. For some reason, I can’t stand 4. My Daughter loves 4 though lol.

If they want to expand the whole Grand Theft Auto series, it needs to be an MMORPG like WoW or others. A big open world that you just level your character in with selectable quests.

Kotaku supposedly leaked that it’s gonna be in LA. AKA : San Andreas.

uhh nope.

gta iv is fucking awesome, just because you stuck your dick in the gay ass world of WoW and think it’s the greatest thing doesn’t mean that everyone’s a closet homo tardboat that thinks that garbage is fun.

i play gta strictly because it’s a sandbox game with an awesome story line that has essentially unlimited re-play-ability. especially for PC where you can mod anything and everything essentially.



sandbox is not dead and thats why gta franchise is so sucessful.

It will be dead when no one goes out to buy it.



I want to inflict physical harm on you. Please depart this forum immediately.

yeah and good job letting your daughter play gtaiv too

Back before I had a driver’s license and a semblance of a life, I actually used to mod games a lot. As in, I created my own mods and played with them. Halo for the PC was extremely fun to mod, and it was often easier to just make your own than it was to deal with the patching system that was commonly used to create mods. Also: Exception errors.

Modding is how I learned how to use 3DS Max, I had a couple of partially completed custom maps done before I lost a hard drive. Lately all I’ve played with is metadata editing though.

I know this I still consider it as modding the game because I’m changing it and it runs just as good as it did unchanged.

word. just saying.

+rep my friend

bennyfizzle 2012

Personally I can’t wait for the new and improved murder simulator. :rofl

This would destroy gta. There are very few games I play and I would never buy a gta again if these changes occurred. And I would hold u personally responsible and have to destroy your life.

:lol @ destroy your life

I actually don’t play WoW. It’s all I had to reference to. GTA IMO would be infinitely more fun if you had a ton of people leveling up their character in an interactive world.

Once again, all I had to reference to.

Way to realize a persons opinion on the series.

You guys seriously got butt hurt because one person puts their opinion in. Chill out. It’s a damn video game lol. I find them repetitive and boring. GTA 4 was extremely boring to me. I loved all of them before hand. I’m also not the only person I know of that feels this way.

Just simply my opinion that if the series evolved, it would be more fun. Building your character and running through the story would be a lot more fun then doing the exact same crap you have to do in every other one of those games. Changing graphics and mechanics does not give the game the play value it should garner.

And yet another fanboy completely butt hurt. Need a wet nap?

Well, I thought alot of the obvious goes without saying. BUT WITH YOU i think i need to spell this out with a nursery melody.

You said you liked san andreas alot but you didnt like GTA IV. Because better graphics and mechanics dont give the game the play value.

Alright thats fair enough, but I think you should also understand a couple things first.

Rockstar games used the same game engine from GTAIII (yeah that was a long time ago huh?) all the way to GTA San Andreas.

yeah thats 3 GTA games in a row using the same base / foundation / mechanics …whatever dumb people like to call it. Alot of people and geeks made it aware that by the time san andreas came out, the game engine it was built on was VERY outdated and definitely stretched to its max potential. It was just simply OLD shit and the only thing the company could do after GTAIII was add more features each game.

Thats fine, it worked out awesome and they were top sellers everytime. GTAIII lacked alot of shit, but no one noticed because it was such a milestone in gaming among other shit. They took the game and simply put some makeup on it, and added gameplay features etc. Thats all they did… thats why by the time it got to san andreas it was such a great game, full of gameplay features, ironed out game engine, the best graphics it could squeeze out etc.

GTA san andreas was the last GTA game to use the GTA III game engine, (i forgot the engine name, its relevant right now).

I dont know if you’re aware of how long it takes to develop a modern video game of that size, but in their case it took from GTAIII production to the end of san andreas production … thats a hell lot of years ***** !

Developers are only allotted a certain time frame to get shit done. Every day its big money being paid out so every day counts on these things.

I think the new gta engine is called rage or something, they didnt build the engine themselves, from what i’ve heard. However that could be untrue because I know they used it in their xbox 360 tennis game as a test.

Even though the engine was already developed, there is such a massive list and scope of things to do to get everything in place and actually working without bugs and BULLSHIT.

So all im saying is, GTA IV is like GTA III, its the first game of this generation of GTA’s which means that it will be the simplest, most feature lacking version. They will probably be able to run a couple more titles under the engine.

You can bet alot of the old san andreas gameplay features will return into the next gta.

It just takes time, and alot of money and because of deadlines its hard to beat.

These games are like meat laid out on a table on a 90 degree day, u gotta serve the fucking shit quick and if you take to long nobody wants that shittttttt

Yeah, modding made me learn cinema 4d, 3ds max and rhino. I probably can’t use any of them good anymore except for 3ds max because I’ve spent soooo much time on it. I used to 5.5 alot and now everyone is using the latest shit its crazy.

We had people making the export plugins for 3ds max too it was nuts.

I used to mod UT2004, racer , liveforspeed, SLRR and so many other games i cant remember.

Hex editing was key to so much of that.

It seems like you are pretty good with computers.

Ok, I can see what you’re saying Singh. I just imagined that in todays game market, it would be pretty awesome to hop into a friends game, and continue doing the game. Maybe I shouldn’t have said WoW, I’m actually thinking more like Borderlands.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

but negged for negging me the other day ni9

wait so someone dont like GTA games? whats the world coming to… facepalm