GamesCom 09: First GT5 damage effect gamplay footage

Pretty neat damage effect. Rumor has it, the game will be out on may 5th, 2010 in NA.

For those who care, enjoy.

It will be released before Christmas this year. I’m pumped.

bullshit. How many release dates have they had?

Well whenever it releases its gonna pwn!

So what does “Forza” have now?


they’ve had 2 games released in the time that GT has been delayed. Just give me something to play! (not prologue it sucked ass)

They’ve had alot of different dates because they kept getting licenses for new cars/tracks…then adding damage…then adding new series(Nascar/Touring) etc. They’ve also said it’s going to be the last GT game ever. You’ll just beable to download updates instead of buying a whole new game.

are you kidding?

the FIRST Forza had better damage modeling and impact physics.

the only reason GT5 will not be a COMPLETE failure is because they have so many retarded XBOX hating fans.

I used to be the biggest GT junky, played the Forza DEMO and realized in 2 minutes of playing it what the superior game was.

GT was AWESOME until GT4 where it started its downhill slide into failure.

Thank god

retarded XBOX hating fans = ME

GT3 was my fav. Forza looks all cartoony

And my PS3 wont burn my house down


Have you seen the screen shots for Forza 3?

Have you actually played Forza?


but I’m fading fast, this better come out soon and it better be fucking good.

404 error cartoonyness not detected

I have an XBOX in my closet, that I got for $25 I might add. I have Forza for it, I am not impressed.

Yes I have seen the screenshots… and GTs are still better.


404 glasses needed

How is it cartoony though?

Simply because they dont give everything a tinge of blue and fuck with the depth of view/field of vision to give a sense of speed?

to each their own, but I personally think forza blows gt out of the water, and with forza 3 being a full generation ahead of GT5, and being released BEFORE GT5 I think it’s going to seal the Gt franchise/PS3’s fate.

Forza 3, which is going to blow GT5 through the wall.

Now that looks cartoony

not seeing what makes it more photo-realistic than forza…

if being giving a more realistic visual is all GT has to offer over Forza I think the real choice is clear. I’ll leave my complete judgement for GT5 until after I play it…but I’m not expecting a whole lot.

You stop. I still like yer car, for now…

Find me a moving shot from Forza, thats better than a moving shot from GT. Also the track recreation on GT is way better.