Gran Turismo delayed indefinitely


We’re all very very surprised. :rolleyes

cool, i can delay my purchase of a PS3 indefinitely now lol

HAHAHAHA hey were is jvg and adam… didnt i just tell you guys this and you said NO WAY MAN… see thats why forza is so much better… BECAUSE ITS HERE!!!

agreed. lost all faith in PS3 and its products. Nothing but hype and no delivery. My Wii is way more badass.

Fuck. This. Shit.

Well I’m getting my free fucking $65 gift card now. Fuck polyphony and fuck sony.

exactly. shits retarded. i won’t ever buy another sony console.

It was delayed and given the amount of GT5 haters in this forum, that should not affect anyone at all. :rofl:rofl:rofl

So why are they not making it?? Wtf…

I bet the 360 gets a timed exclusive of it before it comes out on PS3 :rofl :rofl

By the time GT5 comes out, forza 10 will be out.

hahha. That’s hilarious.


Wow. This is just plain retarded. They are pissing alot of people off, not just on this forum either. Are there even any other decent racers on Ps3, besides Dirt 2?

I bought a PS3 about 3 years ago because it was supposed to come out soon after.

hahaaahhaa lmao what a hunk of JUNK.

GT5 is like Detox… except Detox is actually going to be good!!!

Forza ftmfw PS3 ftl.

I’m impartial to the Forza/GT series, but I believe that if and when it is released, GT5 will kill all other racing sim games in all aspects. I’ve played Forza, and I still don’t like it as much as I liked GT3. I’ll wait.

now they’re saying that the delay will only effect the japs.

A little odd, normally we get everything last here in the us.

Damn japs

ill stick to Xbox.