GT5 for PS3


Sony has announced the full GT 5’s car list. It consists of 10000 cars. At launch it will only have 340 cars while the others will be developed in the future. Polyphony Digital will also develop cars for individual clients.

niiiiiiiiiiiiiice :smiley:

they need to release this already dammit!

Amphicar Car Convertible ‘64

Yes, my dream has come true.

agreed, prologue was just not enough

Prologue looked like waste of money compared to the previous GTs, I’ve been waiting for this for a lonnnnng time.

If this game comes out by Christmas of next year, I’ll be shocked.

Have they announced a re;ease date yet ?

It was originally scheduled for January '09…If that happens we are likely to see Jesus hand deliver copies of it…probably late 09 at Best…

more likely of a release date/year

If it has a Trans Am i will buy a PS3 and buy this… depending if Forza 3 doesnt have a Trans Am… Forza> Grand Thurizmo but this is gonna be kool too :slight_smile:

It’ll never come out. Ok it will but not this side of the decade.


ehhh wtf lol i just read and searched the whole list! lol it had hummers and shit. and my car :frowning:

I will be picking up a PS3 for this game alone… when it comes out damn it!

maybe when we have 2160p HDTV?

FYI, that’s 2015. :mamoru:

sweet so i can stop straining my eyes on poopy Time Warner HD!

Yea really. Next step is 1600p I think. But if the rumors about this game are true, its bound to be the best racing sim ever made.

how much are they gonna charge for all the cars?