THIS is why GT5 wins.

Probably the most magical story/interview I’ve ever read.

Hell yea… but its loafting

So much to read!

And this:

PS: worth the read.

so it wins because of a wall of text?

yeah, eat it up guys.


It’s not a “wall of text”. Read it, it’s very inspirational, even if you HATE Gran Turismo.

i love GT and there was no way i was reading that shit. why is sony taking so long with this game? when you build up something like this so much it almost never lives up to the hype.


word… ive waited too long. and plus whats with this idolism in his verbal diarrhea?! just giving it a quick glance its just story time… no straight goods.

LOL@sony picture


READ the article and you will understand why. It has nothing to do with Sony. Jeeze.

i did read it.

wow a tour of the facility? thats amazing! so bleeding edge!

a perfectionist? SUPER AWESOME! too bad it means you have to wait 6 times longer then you should have to because someone is obsessing over their creation.

i dont see why some dude being interviewed is some great feat. dont most major dev teams do the EXACT same thing? why yes they do.

hell, almost every bungie interview/conference is at least the same length as this if not longer. so that means that all the halo games must be the greatest shooters ever right?

its a good read man, but its hardly anything new. and its definitely not worth having the game pushed 6 months for.

Forza Motorsport 3 Review
One of the best racing games ever made.

IGN Review - 9.4

GT5 will top it.

lol fanboys…

Lets face it here X box sux PS3 doesn’t I wonder who will win…


“my dad can beat up your dad!!!.. Okay!”

thats why i sold my ps3 and bought a xbox!

lol why man hd format is dead its all about blu ray…hell x box 360 cant handle 2k10 lol ps3 plays that nice and smooth…

Lol, Touché