THIS is why GT5 wins.

I have a 360 and a PS3 (and a Wii but who cares about the Wii) and I think the PS3 is much better than the 360. Only thing I like about my 360 is the party chat system and it can play copied games. I read that the only reason why the PS3 doesn’t have a private party chat system like the 360’s is because what they have developed doesn’t work with some EA games because they are too shitty and EA said it wouldn’t support the PS3 if the devs released what PS3 owners want. PS3 exclusive games are much better then 360’s lineup too(imo).

But enough of that. Gran Turismo 5 + $5 Momo FF Race Wheel = FTW.

And Gran Turismo on the PSP is pretty fun too :slight_smile:

mario kart… with the wheel.

eh ive heard the xboxes graphics are better than the ps3s ever since they came out correct me if i am wrong in this instance

lol hell no read what I said x box cant even smoothly play nba 2k10 and thats nothing for a ps3

Meh not so much anymore, in most games today the differences are few but at first most multiplatform games looked better on a 360 because it took less effort to produce for because it uses older but upgraded technology while the PS3 was completely new with the use of the Cell processor and etc.

enough with the graphics talk, all consoles are already weak and outdated compared to today’s computers…Crysis for example, shits on the xbox 360 and ps3 in comparison on pc. New consoles will be here in another 3-4yrs, till then any game from pc adapted to these consoles needs to be handicapped, pc all the way!! :wink:

Actually I think they are developing Crysis for the PS3 which is supposed to max out the PS3’s power, says the devs (either Crysis or another game by the same devs). They said they wouldn’t be making a 360 version because of technical issues lol

lol, but guys, there’s a video out comparing both systems and they lack the power to run the physics of crysis smoothly compared to pc. Anyways tho, PS3 on paper is the more powerful system but in terms of gaming support and product line, the xbox 360 is better. It’s like the tables have turned eh, xbox vs ps2.

p.s - even Crysis for pc, you need a powerful rig to run it smoothly and maxed out, fortunately I got it :slight_smile:

Media DVD, CD
Add-on: HD DVD (discontinued)
CPU 3.2 GHz PowerPC Tri-Core Xenon
Storage capacity 20, 60, or 120 GB hard drive, 64, 256 or 512 MB memory cards
Memory 512MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700MHz
Graphics 500 MHz ATI Xenos


Media Blu-ray Disc, DVD, CD (all models)
Super Audio CD (20 GB, 60 GB, 80 GB [CECHExx models]), Digital distribution
Operating system XrossMediaBar
system software version 3.01[3]
CPU 3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine with 1 PPE & 7 SPEs
Storage capacity 2.5" SATA hard drive
(20 GB, 40 GB, 60 GB, 80 GB, 120 GB, 160 GB, or 250 GB included) (upgradeable)
Graphics 550 MHz NVIDIA/SCEI RSX ‘Reality Synthesizer’

at first glance they look very similar BUT there not. sonys hardware is wayyy more advanced than the xbox . the processor alone blows away the xbox’s. all the hardware in the sony was specifically designed for gaming not just lifted from your desktop plus the use of sata connections and blue-ray
and GT5 will be way better than forza imo…

i played forza 3 demo its like a million times better then forza 2 was graphic wise. and its pretty fun . i honestly havnt played any gt game since 1 of the first 1ns when ps2 just came out. only reason i dont want ps3 is because i hate the conroller.

Get a PS3 and a steering wheel :wink:

It really does not matter what one is better. I have played GT and i didnt like it, Forza 2 was one of the first games out for xbox and i still play it. I have both PS3 and 360 and a pretty damn good computer but i just dont enjoy games on the PC as much as console. I prefer my 360 over the PS3 but i can admit that the PS3 is much more advanced. I have only 5 games for my PS3 but over 20 for the xbox, xbox just has more enjoyable games IMO it also depends on what types of games your into, xbox has more RPG and FPS support whether the graphics are better in GT5 or F3 doesn’t matter to me because i enjoy the gameplay better in F3. Plus the 360’s controller is much more comfortable :slight_smile:

Just to put it out there, FM never felt like a “true” sim to me. Rear ends were too light in every sense of the word. Have yet to play FM3, so this is based on my experiences with FM2.

awesome read, well worth the time.

When people ask me why I’ve only owned Playstation (1,2,3) the first answer I always give is a simple; “Gran Turismo.”

agree. FM is for children.


Just saw this the other day while looking at actual touge videos on youtube.

^ that was the worst video ever.

Man you guys are such fanboys lol… seriously.

It’s just video games lol…

I`m a Gran Turismo fan through and through,…The ONLY reason I even have an XBOX 360 is because they die, so I can pick them up cheaply (seriously I have 5 dismantled ones in my closet) this allowed me to pick up a copy of Forza 2. It has a lot of aspects that GT4 did not, such as the ability to swap motors, body kits, custom graphics, etc. However, it is at this point where you seperate the Vidiet from the Wrench. Gran Turismo is more about the experience of whatever car you may be driving, as opposed to what you can do to whatever car you are driving. They are both excellent games, but it is for this reason that GT will always have a special place in my wrenching-vidiet heart.