GTA West Meets.

Do the Wednesday night meets still happen at Tim Horton’s Winston Churchill and 403?

yup i believe they do, but i don’t know if its a gta west meet for 240 guys, i think its usually ricers who go there lol

Well thats what i meant, the SON240 meets. The Mitsubishi club has their meets there too. I don’t know if its a regular thing because i only saw them there once. One guy owns a Starion.

It’s been a bit cold to stand around in a parking lot :wink:
I’ll start coming out when it’s comfortable at night.

I might head out there tonight with ndto, anyone else interested in coming is welcome.

I’ll be there around 9pm.

i showed up around 10 after nine and saw nothing but hondas…smoked a civic and went back to brampton… waste of gas.

yeah i know, nobody shows, tonite it was just me and this guy in a white 93 coupe.

Give it another week or so, it was still cold tonight.
I went ripping around the backroads instead…
Cept in the Spec-V… poor silvia with it’s blown turbo :frowning:

I was there just at 8:30, it started raining a bit so I took off, then it stopped raining.

nocwage, pm if you need a turbo, I might be able to get you one.