2nd Annual Show And Shine August 20th

The Second Annual GuelphRacing Show & Shine 2005! All proceeds from the show go to Charity for the tsunami victims

DATE: August 20/2005 LOCATION: Marden Park, Guelph Ontario Canada

CLICK HERE to see MAPS to the show!

This year will be bigger and better then last year! With the huge turnout we had last year at our First Show Ever, this years GR show is gonna be one of the best events of the year…

We are still looking for sponsors, and tons of Booth & Banner space is available! Promote yourself at the GuelphRacing show & shine. Email Jessica at: if your interested in becoming a sponsor.

Or, you can POST any questions/comments in our SHOW FORUM.

There isnt a nissan class right now but if this site can get about 10 to 15 nissans to come out we can make nissan classes. plus there is a club discount.

Pictures from last years show

Hope to see you there.

yeah i heard it went great last year…

too bad i had to work that day

hey thanks there RBNOCAR ( jokes boss) thanks for letting everybody know but ive been working on a deal between Andrew ( iquabob) and Ben (gojo) about getting SON a booth there and will be giving out all the information as soon as something is finalized

P.S. how is the car hunt coming little guy ? soon we gonna line her up man

LET ME KNOW ON AUG 19th 2005

car hunt sux but ill line up with ya one i get it might be soon