Gumball Fatality


IPlease dont turn this thread into “OMG Open Road rallies” trash talk.


You must be really dumb or naieve to think that when someone from one of these assinine rallies kills someone, then tries to run, nobody is going to bash road rallies

I fucking hate these things. I always have. Maybe when I was 15 or 16, I thought it was cool to have a Lambo and be passing people in the shoulder, and tripling the speed limit, but it is beyond uncalled for. I have no respect for these piece of shit assholes you see on the gumball videos driving like pricks in traffic. If it was only them on the road, I wouldnt give a shit, but when I see these guys doing the shit they do in traffic, it makes me sick.

IMO, these rallies have absolutly no business taking place on public roads. Sure, you can argue that most people will not drive like this, but youre lying if you say nobody will. Watch any Gumball video…

If you assholes want to drive your cars hard, take it to a track, not on a public highway, where I am driving, where my family is driving.