a buddy of mine just asked me if i know anyone who engraves guns. it’s for a bachelor present for his buddy. let me know if you knwo anyone local who does it.
a buddy of mine just asked me if i know anyone who engraves guns. it’s for a bachelor present for his buddy. let me know if you knwo anyone local who does it.
PM Boxersix. If he can’t he may know someone who can.
wood or metal? i can do wood but not metal. just simple things like checkers
show your buddy the mexican drug cartel guns. they are some of the most expensive artistic guns. i have seen one with 100’s of hours of engraving gold plated with jewels.
if your looking for local artist with tools and ability to do this i would look into a jewelry maker if you cant find a gun engraver.
the next best thing would be a cnc machine with a nasty designer. cnc machine could make a amazing piece with proper tools and the right mind.
[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d13SGoGt0tU”]big home made CNC engraving big chinise dragon - YouTube[/ame]
Doesn’t Allstar Tactical do this stuff?
i believe they do laser engraving, but they are not local to albany either
No idea who does it, but do not do what pitman said and bring it to a jewelry shop to do it. Legally, only an FFL can do work on the serialized part of a gun. Don’t think too many jewelry stores are FFLs around here.
I’d call up your local gun shop and ask them.
Also walking into a jewelry store with a gun might not be the best idea in general…
lol true
ooo wow. i never knew that. i guess if you do anything with guns and make it a business you need a ffl?
if you do it yourself on your own gun is it legal?
Hmmmm? I dunno if this is really true. If that is the case I know a few people on here and outside that would be in some trouble…
This is correct.
hmm wow really u cant engrave your own guns?
Legally, besides the owner of the firearm, only an FFL can do work on the serialized part of the gun if the customer is leaving it there. Say I was going to a friends house and he put my AR lower together it’s fine I believe. If I was to drop it off and he was makin money off of it, it’d be illegal.
everyday i learn a new law that makes no sense to me
it makes sense to the extent of changing the serial number or something so i guess they make it all illegal to change or edit that part of the gun…
and sry if my question/statement was stupid but from what you wrote here i took it as only a ffl can perform such work…
because altering serials is a good idea…
thats what i meant in the 2nd up from ur post…thats the only reason i can see them making that illegal
Not a NYS law, it’s a federal thing.
I think most of the reason is tracking a gun. When an FFL does work on a gun, they log it in to show that they have XXX serial number there for work.
ahhh ok