how do i buy guns online?

I only have a couple guns at the moment, but I wanna stock up before this fuck obama makes getting them impossible. Local stores are just rediculously overpriced so I wanted to grab some shit online, but idk how that works? Just registered with gunsamerica and they have some decent shit, do I just win the auction, pay and then i have an option on picking a gun retailers store to have it shipped to? Are there fees for having shipped to a gun dealer? How come I can do just cash and carry with shit on wantaddigest with like no paperwork, but its illegal to ship guns to your house?


  1. To buy online from a dealer, no matter their location ( is the cheapest I’m aware of), you simply buy it like you would anything else. Throughout the checkout process, it’ll have you select a local dealer (FFL-Federal Firearms License) that they will ship it to. This needs to be done because the local dealer will be doing your background check before you can leave their shop with the gun. Fees vary by dealer. Big dealers that have storefronts will charge easily $50 for the transfer. A guy running out of his house will do it for $15-25. That’s the route I go, as I’ve developed a good rapport with a couple guys in the area who sell out of their house. It’d be best to call the local dealer ahead of time to let them know you got a gun coming in, and your name, and the make/model of the gun.

  2. To buy online from a private person (not a dealer) who is located out of state, it’s pretty much the same as above.

  3. To buy online from a private person (not a dealer) who is located in New York State, they can ship directly to your house, no dealer needed.

  4. To buy in person from a private person (not a dealer) who is located out of state is against the law (felony), as per BATFE.

  5. To buy in person from a private person (not a dealer) who is located in New York State is fine.

  6. To buy in person from a dealer who is located in New York State is fine.

  7. To buy in person from a dealer who is located in a state that shares a border with New York State is fine. Most dealers won’t do it unless they’re very familiar with NYS law.

  8. To buy in person from a dealer who is located in any other state that does not share a border with New York State is illegal.

Hope that answers everything.

ok thanks

ok cool… now another question lol… im pretty sure I would have already got in trouble if I wasnt allowed to own guns as everyone already knows about the shotgun incident, but as far as the background check goes, will I be alright if I have misdemeanors and have been CHARGED with a felony, but not convicted? id have a hard time getting a pistol permit, but i should still be ok to buy rifles right?

That’s a grey area. I know people who have been convicted of felonies but passed the background check fine, and then other times they’ve been denied.

As long as you are not lying on the form for the background check, and have not had any felonies you will generally be fine. I think one of the questions on the form ask if there’s anything pending trial. Sometimes they do delay the background check (usually it’s instant) up to three days. This may be for questionable stuff they find, or someone has a similar name as yours (which yours is quite common) or they simply have to take a shit and don’t want to do your check immediately lol.

On the form, it asks for your Social Security Number (SSN), but it says it is optional. To get the background check finished quickly, put in your SSN to be safe. It’ll prevent them from getting you confused with someone else if that does come up.

last question… is it illegal for you to buy guns online, have them shipped to dealer, pass the background check and then sell the gun to someone?

Yes. You would by lying on the form, which is a felony.

oo…is there a time period that can go by at which time you can sell? i would think that your not required to keep your guns forever if you dont want them anymore??

Nothing set in stone, but if you’re trying to do it for profit, get an FFL before any felony charges can arise.

If you sell to a person who you are not 100% positive they can pass a background check, and they commit a crime, you can and in most cases will be considered an accessory.

i dont wanna sell em, i was just curious if i could buy guns off someone who knows the ropes on purchasing them already such as yourself.

I actually just bought a gun wednesday off and its alrady on its way i wont physically get it in my hand until at least next saturday as the dealer is away with family issues atm but i have been in contact with him for the last 4-5 days i highly recommend Firefly Firearms. i havent even met him in person yet but i can tell he is an A+ guy

ok cool, thanks

I recommend firefly firearms too.

Oh really

doubt that they could see what you were charged with only what you were convicted of. Even if they could, i don’t think that should be legal for them to refuse you based on something you were not ultimately convicted of but idk.

so the people selling thier rifles on this site are technically commiting a crime unless they have a FLL?

no. Private sales within the state are legal.

What he said. And while there is nothing set in stone as long as length of ownership before you sell, I DAMN sure wouldnt want to find out at what limit you get on the ATF’s watch list

You can sell guns privately… What you can’t do is go to the store and buy a gun for your buddy or friend.

Now if you go buy it and turnout you don’t like it or want to sell it, it’s legal to do so. But if ATF finds out you went to the store bought a gun did the background check walked out and handed it over to someone else you are in big trouble.

If you so much tell the store it’s for some one else it’s illegal to sell to you. Including if you say it’s a gift for your brother. If that’s the case he needs to come do the background check himself.

My gf has bought me pistols before but she can’t take them home and give them to me, she wrapped the case while the gun store held onto the gun, then I go in do background check and take gun home. It’s the same as long gun.

I was at Zacks once and actually watched/heard this happen and watched Pete promptly put the rifle back on the wall. The look of disgust on his face was epic :rofl

what about hand guns? you can’t private sell to someone without a permit can you?