Gun Laws 01/14/2013

In the real world if this happens… If you bought ONE car from a dealer did the check like your suposed to but didnt register it, that could be all they need to come looking. If your privately aquired stock is present you are in trouble. Simple as it can be put.

But yes, you are right, the last line is 100% true and a classic catch 22 for all of us.

And for those of you planing on saying you “sold the car” or “lost it in a boating accident on the river”… your still screwed becasue you didnt follow the law.

265.10. Manufacture, transport, disposition and defacement of weapons and dangerous
instruments and appliances

  1. Any person, other than a wholesale dealer,
    or gunsmith or dealer in firearms duly licensed
    pursuant to section 400.00, lawfully in possession
    of a firearm, who disposes of the same
    without first notifying in writing the licensing officer
    in the city of New York and counties of Nassau
    and Suffolk and elsewhere in the state the
    executive department, division of state police,
    Albany, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

  2. Any person who disposes of any machinegun,
    assault weapon, large capacity ammunition
    feeding device or firearm silencer is guilty of
    a class D felony.

Definition of “dispose of”:

  1. Dispose of” means to dispose of, give,
    give away, lease-loan, keep for sale, offer, offer
    for sale, sell, transfer and otherwise dispose of.

“Fuck off guy at my door, I sold it/sunk it by accident in the river”. All his rebuttal has to be is “show me the bill of sale and copy of the notification to the state police.” Without that its an A misdemeanor, if its an assault car or a high capacity car seat its a D felony.

(I am not a lawyer, but I can read english, if you dont believe thats how it works by all means clarify it)

Nobody is going to “come looking” :facepalm

There is no need, people/guns will be weeded out otherwise. Plenty of things are illegal in this world that people own and nobody “comes and looks for it”, all they need to do is pull people over for speeding to find weed/cocaine/illegal immigrants/abducted kids etc…

Lets think about this way… people who own guns or use guns for work are going to be pro 2nd amendment because only the ignorant people who have no experience with guns are against them right?

So cops and military are pro 2nd amendment… so as we already see by the letters and other statements they don’t really care for the law much less going around “door to door”.

On top of that, even if they somehow “forced” into it, it really wouldn’t work, one they wouldn’t want to be shot at, and secondly after just a few shooting incidents between cops and gun owners public will be outraged across the board.

People who think that door to door confiscation is even a remote possibility are ridiculous and have not given this any thought.

So, basically we have had registration for a long time in a back assward way (if bought from an establishment requiring a check) , except there was no law on re-selling them privately as far as paperwork (like the current law)?