Gun Questions

shottys are badass. I have 2. Both 12 guages. One is a Rem 870 pump home defense model. pictured here:

and my new double barrel shorty 12 guage wifey got me for x-mas…


If you’re going to buy a new gun do it soon.

New administration and the UN are both not being too fire arm friendly in the current events.

Guns are a great investment generally speaking and at least hold their value even if properly taken care of.

For a good bang for the buck you can find a lot in the wantaddigest’s.

I’m debating on piecing together an M4/M16/Ar15 myself, looking for lower receivers now.

I’ve always wanted a pump action however.

It depends on what kind of person you are… don’t buy a 1300 dollar gun if your just going to shoot it and not maintain it… if you just want something to dick around with get yourself a cheap 22 or a cheap 12 gauge… I personally would buy something in like the 300-600 range just because I don’t think i could bring myself to spend over a 1000 on a fire arm. Last I remember i think you can get an ak for like 5 or 6 hundred bucks

Wayne, that double barrel looks fucking badass

ive been looking for a folding stock 410 shotty. any leads? nice little weapon and it doesnt take up much space. i especially like the shell holding stocks. they look bad as folded up hahaha.

I just bought the DPMS yesterday, and went shooting w/ DJ. It was fucking fun.

And yes Wayne, it’s chambered for the 5.56 as well. I fired off around 60 rounds or so.

Whenever anyone is going shooting, LET ME KNOW!!!

Nice, your gonna love it. a friend of mine just bought a DPMS a few months ago and its a really nice piece. I have a ruger 10/22 i still haven’t fired a round through yet, so when your going let me know.

someone should have fucking called me. i was DYING to shoot yesterday. I went to the gun store when I woke up and they sold out of my scope :frowning: I need to shoot soon.

You’ll have PM’s in about 3min.

ar’s are fun, and im glad wayne is enjoying mine. Like wayne said, shotguns are badass, cheap, cheap to shoot and easy to maintain. I just bought myself a pistol grip mossberg 500 and i love it, its so much fun. IMO the best is having a pistol, if you like guns and want a pistol i would jump on that before Obama decides that no one needs them. Be safe and enjoy yourself

Pistols are a whole another ballgame.

I’m working on getting my app all filled out now. However a PP is NOT a 5 minute fucking process.

No sir, especially if you somehow want to get away with having a carry on.

Large number of people out there use the regular PP as “rights” to a carry on and when question arises they say they are going to a 24 hour range.

NY iirc is the only state that gives you big headache like that for a pistol, even if you get the permit.

I wonder how bad an officer would bust balls about that if you were pulled over or something.

Unless you’re searched or directly asked about it, it won’t even be an issue or won’t come up.

On the other hand, most officers that I know are gun friendly to begin with and don’t like general NY gun laws that hinder enthusiasts.

With that said, if you’re an idiot about it and get caught with it at the wrong place at the wrong time, that excuse won’t work. Such as being at a bar or similar.

True, but I’m a firm believer of being up front right from the get go. If I was in a situation like that i would tell the officer right away that i had a firearm on me, that way if it came up later i didn’t look sneaky.

definitely. i would do the same thing

Shooting here is not available until some of the snow melts, there is a huge snow pile right in the middle of our range, :lol. I’ll talk to Gatville about setting up a small shoot next weekend. Maybe some skeet shooting as well.

I am fucking ready for some skeet shooting. i really really want to practice more with iron sights on the AR though, I dunno why but I’m hooked on it. I like em better than my scope.