Gun thread of SRS

I can legally sell a firearm (handgun or rifle) here for cash, no bill of sale. Ive done it numerous times. If that law or program was to be implemented everywhere there is no possible fucking way to keep track of every firearm.

My Kimber 1911 TLE/RL II that I bought, never fired, and fucking hated, I sold for $750 cash. It went in my pocket. If that law was implemented here the cops knock on my door. I told them I sold it. They ask who, I say a friends friend, it was a cash sale - no law is in place/was in place stating I MUST have the buyer go through a background check or have a bill of sale. Fuck, I even forgot the kids name.

All these god damn fucking liberal pieces of shit are doing nothing good with any of this gun control horse shit. I haven’t seen one fucking law in any state that has helped do anything to this day. Implement any program or take away every fucking gun in the US and you know what? They’ll still be here. I personally know a guy that still owns a Mac90 after being in a federal prison for 10 years. Why? Because its not in his house. Therefore he doesnt “own” it anymore. You’ll never control guns. From the first day of the first colony on US soil there would have to be a firearm registration for any gun made or purchased, but even that would be flawed.