Gun thread of SRS

So you sold all of your guns via private sale, no bill of sale, now what? Like I keep saying; prove I still own any. If they’re not at your house, in your car, or on your property I guess you can’t prove shit.

I don’t see this ending well.

LEo’s that love america got tough days ahead


its not that easy in the eyes of the law, I would put money on that.

Prove you still own them, is as easy as “this here says you bought them”, show me where you have proof that you sold them. It works the same way you’re trying to play the cards, just the other way around. They have one up on you right off the bat, if they didn’t KNOW as some point you were in possession of them they wouldn’t be talking with you asking for them!

If you sold them, (or claim to have) show me the bill of sale and proof of supplemental income tax filing. They know you at one point had them (or they wouldn’t be knocking on the door) so without proof of sale, you are still fucked and one would think they have already have a legal backup plan to “I sold them” up their sleeve already!

While they are dumb, they aren’t that dumb. I would like to find out what the proper (see: how NYS expects you to prove you sold a weapon) way actually is, if that’s the card you want to gamble on if shit hits the fan.

How far back are they going with the records?? I mean with the purchases??

Hope they wear vests

I can legally sell a firearm (handgun or rifle) here for cash, no bill of sale. Ive done it numerous times. If that law or program was to be implemented everywhere there is no possible fucking way to keep track of every firearm.

My Kimber 1911 TLE/RL II that I bought, never fired, and fucking hated, I sold for $750 cash. It went in my pocket. If that law was implemented here the cops knock on my door. I told them I sold it. They ask who, I say a friends friend, it was a cash sale - no law is in place/was in place stating I MUST have the buyer go through a background check or have a bill of sale. Fuck, I even forgot the kids name.

All these god damn fucking liberal pieces of shit are doing nothing good with any of this gun control horse shit. I haven’t seen one fucking law in any state that has helped do anything to this day. Implement any program or take away every fucking gun in the US and you know what? They’ll still be here. I personally know a guy that still owns a Mac90 after being in a federal prison for 10 years. Why? Because its not in his house. Therefore he doesnt “own” it anymore. You’ll never control guns. From the first day of the first colony on US soil there would have to be a firearm registration for any gun made or purchased, but even that would be flawed.

dont know the details as to how its going to be written, how the warrants are processed, how far back its going, etc. We were asked to “help” with the e-mail alerts and what I told you is as much as what was disclosed.

If anyone knows anyone working at DCJS, start asking questions offline.

This is very bad. If/when they flip the switch, I would honestly be scared for the safety of alot of people in this state. Sherifs are NOT employees of the governor, they can choose to “ignor” up-holding these actions. Troopers and National Guards are employees of Cuomo. Saying fuck that I wont go to Physco Joe Blows house that has about 100 un registered guns, would result in your job being lost. If the troopers rebel, (i mean they cant fire them all) its up to the national guards.

unfortunately, as Sons of Anarchy it sounds, someones going to get killed over this shit. I can see it coming.


What are the laws for selling them here?

If there is ANYTHING that “should be” tied to the sale in NYS… they already know it and have it practiced to stuff up our asses. Someone find a lawyer or do some digging on that. read up

what to worry about:

Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree:
(5)(i) Such person possesses three or more firearms; or
(8) Such person possesses a large capacity
ammunition feeding device.

Criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree:
(2) such person possesses five or more firearms.

Criminal possession of a weapon in the first degree:
(2) possesses ten or more firearms.

265.10. Manufacture, transport, disposition
and defacement of weapons and dangerous
instruments and appliances

  1. Any person, other than a wholesale dealer,
    or gunsmith or dealer in firearms duly licensed
    pursuant to section 400.00, lawfully in possession
    of a firearm, who disposes of the same
    without first notifying in writing the licensing officer
    in the city of New York and counties of Nassau
    and Suffolk and elsewhere in the state the
    executive department, division of state police,
    Albany, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

  2. Any person who disposes of any machinegun,
    assault weapon, large capacity ammunition
    feeding device or firearm silencer is guilty of
    a class D felony.

Definition of “dispose of”:

  1. “Dispose of” means to dispose of, give,
    give away, lease-loan, keep for sale, offer, offer
    for sale, sell,
    transfer and otherwise dispose of.

265.11. Criminal sale of a firearm in the
third degree A person is guilty of criminal sale
of a firearm in the third degree when such
person is not authorized pursuant to law to
possess a firearm
and such person unlawfully
(1) sells, exchanges, gives or disposes of a
firearm or large capacity ammunition feeding device
to another person; or
(2) possesses a firearm with the intent to sell
Criminal sale of a firearm in the third degree is
a class D felony.

265.12. Criminal sale of a firearm in the
second degree A person is guilty of criminal
sale of a firearm in the second degree when
such person:
(1) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or
disposes of to another five or more firearms; or
(2) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or
disposes of to another person or persons a total
of five or more firearms in a period of not more
than one year.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the second degree
is a class C felony.

265.13. Criminal sale of a firearm in the
first degree A person is guilty of a criminal sale
of a firearm in the first degree when such
(1) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or
disposes of to another ten or more firearms; or
(2) unlawfully sells, exchanges, gives or
disposes of to another person or persons a total
of ten or more firearms in a period of not more
than one year.
Criminal sale of a firearm in the first degree is
a class B felony.

“authorized pursuant” means you have the ability to lawfully own a weapon.

Doesn’t make sense to me, because the NICS check doesn’t tell you the actual gun, just what type it is(pistol, rifle, etc) and when BATFE form 4473 is filled out, line 18 is the line where they place a check for either handgun/rifle/or other firearm.

it does nothing to distinguish between an AR15 and say a winchest 94 lever action, the latter being something that you don’t have to register.

I smell more fear mongering/bullshit talking.


lets remind ourselves this is the Constitution of the United States being trampled.

Yup, our Constitution and our future livelyhoods. Too me this is just as bad as those that burn and disgrace the stars and stripes.

Alls they need to do is sort through the 4473’s to get serial number and model info…

4473 are sent directly from gunshop to the FBI iirc.

They have the full ability to know what guns you bought, when, and where. Unless 100% of your firearm purchases were private. Even if 100% of your stuff was bought private I still doubt your safe. They’ll knock on the door of the guy you bought from threatening to do this and do that and he’ll say wait a minute, the guy I sold that gun to name is…

KK, to my knowledge in the past there were no requirements for selling a gun privately in NYS. Same as trading it…


Which re-enforces what I said before.

Just start shooting at them as they approach the door.

That will show em.

It’s sad but that’s what will happen, then solid reasons exist why all gun owners are irresponsible and shouldn’t have guns.

So if you don’t fight “them”, they take away guns


If you do fight “them” you give “them” concrete evidence and precedent to take them away.

Apparently you’re screwed either way.

Or you don’t shoot at a police officer and rectify the issue in a civilized manner.