Gun thread of SRS

Out of the first preorder of 500 I believe that is correct. I ordered one as soon as the preorder went up on their website so I’m in the first batch I believe.

Do you know which group your in?

The guy I spoke with said they ordered something like 2000 lowers and they will come in 500 at a time with the first batch being late march.

If you guys have a need for something, let me know. One of my buddies is willing to sell a lot of stuff, but it’s not pre-Newtown pricing. Given the current status and the laws that’d be broken, expect to pay premium prices that are greater than retail.

He has an amazing collection, just about anything you can think of, and has had set himself a quota of buying at least one gun a week, and has bought 12 since 1/15.

Don’t waste my time if you’re just dabbling around. If you have the money, let me know and I can inquire about what he has and what you want.

Def gonna keep that in mind for like next month.

Also, put a new dust cover on one of the boat anchors:

Lol, that’s thing is great Chris!

Oh and yeah, he’s actually willing to part with some of his stuff? He who shall not be named is a good guy.

Yup, he’s had a coupe people interested in buying almost all of his collection, such as a gun shop in NY and a private collector in PA, but he’d be more than willing to sell individual arms to NY citizens who are legit.

He has four M1As, but they’re on the expensive side. They’re similar or a little cheaper than average Gunbroker prices.

this was posted over on NYFA

There will come a day when people will see what real socialism is like.

They will miss these times.

Some how I doubt that, while there are certain parts of the country where socialist ideas may fly the vast majority of the country wouldn’t stand for it.

I don’t think you’re getting the point.

Socialism is being thrown around among with liberalism, fascism, communism etc much in a way that you call a straight man a fag in a derogatory manner without any implication for the person to be of that character.

While name calling might work in real life, trigger work hardly work when there are defined meaning behind the words in an economic system spectrum.

It’s also ironic that our “liberal” president who dictates drone strikes, patriot act, jail time without trial etc, is viewed as center to center-right by the rest of the world.

For fun sake, look up what socialism is and then explain how it relates to current events. Mind you specifically socialism, not something that can be crossed between 40 or so economic types.

Looking for a 10/22 ASAT. Cash in hand. I wouldnt mind buying new but everywhere seems to have a few months wait.

my buddy corey just got one 2 weeks ago at Americal Tactical. in stock. give them a shout maybe

didnt see anything on there website, would rather buy locally

Call them or swing in. I am talking the gun store next to harbor freight on central

As far as I know there are no gun shops next to harbor freight… there is one about 1/2 mile down central, but that’s B&J

He must mean American Shooter Supply… Which used to be known as B&J

American will be fleaing / opening some shops in PA I believe, if the Fed law is less restrictive.

yeah thats the palce i am talking about

So I know a guy who’s selling a stripped Palmetto AR lower for $275. PM me for details, just know that the guy is very firm on his price.

So, being in IT and knowing alot of people here at work, gave me some scary information today.

DCJS was officially tasked to create, test and implement an application that will retrieve federal NICS checks, match them up by name to the NYS Firearm Registration system. If there isn’t a match, it is off to DMV. DMV hands over the persons registered address. Warrants will be issued, troopers or National Guard will pay a visit. Retrieve the weapons, hold them until registration is completed or worse.

Thats the jest of it.

End of march is the due date for the application. (knowing this state and how it actually works, it wont be completed by then, let alone this year based on track record, but who knows with this one)

Private sales with no paper trails are of course a different story. BUT, if you bought one through a broker atleast once, and didnt register it, you can be fucked. Especially if those acquired outside and FFL are found.
