Gun thread of SRS

Wasn’t implying the fear mongering from you, just in general. FAR too much of this type of bullshit going around right now from both sides of the fence that’s mucking up the waters we stand in because people don’t take the time to step back a bit and let things fester before spreading the word. I have yet to see any of it to be true other than factual stuff that’s being posted, like the county votes against it or the sheriffs stance letter. If you have that kind of information/proof and can get away posting it here without risk of your job(DON’T RISK YOUR JOB) then please do so. THAT"S what we need, not talk.

For example, there’s “talk” that over 500 of the NYSP have signed a union letter stating they will not be enforcing this law. It’s going a bit on the wayside now, because no one can back the source and prove(or disprove) the statement. This type of talk can then be twisted by the bullshit media or the anti’s like they always do and unfortunately it just creates more issues for us to fight and disperse our focus

Your second post makes more sense, and shows more factual stuff but at the same time this is still in infancy stages and still has many holes in it mainly in how the hell it’ll ever be enforced logistically. Don’t take my comment to heart buddy. It’s in my best interest to sort the good from the bad on these topics just due to business, let alone the aspects that every other american should be concerned with.

Mike I you actually plan to record the meetings and things are stated in there that make sense I will 100% swing by CRC to hear it and 100% eat my words from the past post here on the forum if that is the case.