Guy on roof of flix on Transit Rd

Guy on roof of flix possibly with a weapon

Live scanner feed for Lancaster/Helicopter above scene

Scanner feed updated with “Shooter armed with rifle on Roof Threatening to Shoot at Movie Theater. Air-1 has Visual”

Update Lancaster, NY Armed Subject Flix Movie Theater. PD at a standoff with an armed perp wearing a backpack…

I’ve noticed prices seem to be going up.

ugh,that theater is great after the recent remodel. This is why we cant have nice things.

Holy moly I’m tempted to take a ride

It’s blocked off pretty well in both directions

It seems like he is actually on the roof of the new Orville building.

I’m hearing stories that he is on the roof of Orvilles that is under construction and is armed with a high powered rifle threatening to shoot.

Also, just heard a heli go over my house in WS headed in that direction.

The helicopter said 30min ago they didn’t see a weapon but could see him walking around on a cell phone and acting drunk.

“Black male, red shirt, tan shorts, backpack, walking back and forth”.

There goes getting to bed early tonight…

x2 ill be listening all night

They’re landing mercy flight at the high school.

They were mentioning that he has a sniper rifle, but air one just said they can’t see it and don’t believe he has that.

Air 1 is out of fuel within the hour.Will take 15 min to refuel and get back

I’ve been wondering what that building was. Damn.

“Kelly Dudzik ‏@kellydudzikWGRZ 4m
The vp of the theater just told us theater is on lockdown but incident is not at theater”

So the guy is at Orvilles

He is def on the building. They have eyes on him following. He is walking the perimeter of the building on top. Air 1 reporting that he looks very agitated, but does not appear to have a rifle.

passed by around 9:30. gas station is locked down, william st is blocked off so is walmart and flix . i believe they have transit road blocked now

nyspeed meet at target?

Any news stations covering this yet? Can’t seem to find it.