Just got around to posting some pics up from the H20i show a few weeks back…

Last but not least, the best two Euro plates there IMO
Just got around to posting some pics up from the H20i show a few weeks back…
Last but not least, the best two Euro plates there IMO
LOL@last pic!
didn’t see hardly any VW’s that weekend. I guess the rain had everyone scared off? That shit is literally 5 minutes from my house but I’ve never bothered to stop. :kekegay:
didnt see any vws!? there were like thousands lol
The only nice cars in those pics were the new A4 and the Porsche’s. That show is beat… is that the show we went to mike?
i mean yeah I saw some fucknugget but as compared to normal years where there is NOTHING BUT VW’s running around town…
I was going to say, the show we went to blew too, but I didn’t remember it being a VW show… we had more fun with the Russians that weekend anyway!
Looks like an awesome show, some sick cars there.
true dat
apr tuned cayman :drool:
I like that black Jetta with the teal wheels.
I never understand the fascination with the super wide wheels and skinny ass tires though?
Stretched tires is just another Euro thing. Same reason they put weird color wheels on the cars, rust/argyle/checkerboard hoods, uselessly negative camber, too low to drive (in this area), etc. Just a particular style some people are into. I don’t even think the euro-heads even know why they do the stuff they do half the time, other than to make their cars more unique (and often weirder) than the other cars.
I think the only functional purpose the stretched tires may serve is if the car is lowered, the tires fit inside the fenderwell, so they dont rub the fender opening.
Yea that is what I was thinking. I’m up for pretty much any of the Euro styling cues, but the tires is just silly.
the only nice car in the pics is the black bug.
Euro style is the sickest IMO
Stretched tires = vomit.