H2Oi - Ocean City MD 9/24-9/25

bump… let’s all meet up and cruise down. I kinda want to do the Rallys on Friday. When’s everyone want to leave?

Thought we leave thursday, BTW FUCK YOU KRAMER YOU POS

I can do thursday… not sure about the rest of my crew hahah

Were leaving thurs! FUCK KRAMER THAT POS

what timeeee

Nick said it doesn’t really matter, depends on the consensus of errybody, with class and work and stuff

well… let me know if you guys have room for a few extra fags and hot rides


I need a ride down … I have currency

ill be going down on thurs, dont really care what time.

Just got my ship dates, ill be around for this as long as somebody has an extra seat

Ok, well my friend has an open seat in his M3 and I might have an open seat in my car as well. SO LETS DO THIS

so much hate, y’all ****** cant have fun without me? lol

HAve fun peeps! Take lots of pics/vids!

I am going in one of Nick’s rides with the misses. Hope our house is still there.

Sweet, our place is literally right on the ocean. So now I can vomit onto the beach/ocean instead of the parking lot and dubbers parked below.

RPI crew has obtained schedule and is backing out, most of the people who wanted to go have a test the following Monday, me excluded somehow, probably since I’m an aero major. I still plan on going…

Is our beach house even still there?

Thats WAT I wanna know. Its there on google maps. :stuck_out_tongue:

We should call and find out Lol