H2Oi - Ocean City MD 9/24-9/25

See whos goin n shittt :lurk

I read this then looked at your avatar. Lolz soon followed :lol

Gonna try to make it.


Walking on sunshine.

I plan on indulging myself in adult beverages. Perhaps myself and Big_Red will get into the sauce.


i will be drinking my ass offffffffff! and then plastic wrapping tdilogiks car like they did at waterfest… wait, i think it was him. hmmmm

Probably won’t be able to make it this year…my flight gets in late Thursday night…hmm. I’ll have to see when peeps are leaving.

You need to go, Mike!

you can leave friday morning or afternooooon!

change flight to maryland, problem solved.

Winning :lol

You just want to share a bed again. :gay

Yup, I’ll be there.

Prlly taking big bodyz down to this

prlly not going cause iamderrik is a fag

Yea buddy

Really really really hope Sargent goes.

for once we wont have to shoot a damn car so yes. I still owe u some birthday brews anyway.

I call backseat in said big bodiez.

We’re gonna get LOUD. :rofl

Taking the A6 and charger. Johnnys driving my A6.

shotty in the charger, and i’ll bring a paddle so i can reenact the gif in my sig