Ha! lib tech/gnu found me an altered genetics

who needs a helmet! lol

edit: 2 concussions in one year so far is the best i can do!

i said the same thing for years…but my brother was FUCKED up…lol

I caught my heel edge on Marti Gras right above a sheet of ice… Nailed the BACK of my head on the ice and woke up surrounded by Ski Patrol… was not a fun time… That was enough for me to spend the $$ on it. I’ve had enough spills since where my head bounced with the helmet to make it well worth it… seeing the co-pays and medical bills would’ve been a lot more than the helmet…

i think sean white is a flaming ginga faggot (who is amazing at snowboarding)…but his helmet is tits


lol cindys fucked me up. straight lined the half way down to the first lip where it drops down, and some prick cut right infront of me, turned as hard as i could heel side, caught the end of my toe side and spun me around while being 3-4 feet in the air, came down facing up the hill, caught my heel side and slammed me down hitting pretty much ice. that sucked! i finished the night off and went the next day, but couldnt turn my head for the life of me the next day because of how fucked it was. went on marti gras 2 weeks later and hit a hill of snow from the snowguns, over shot the landing, fishtailed and caught the back side again. same damn thing pretty much with the fall. fucked the neck up even worse, and it was just getting better too! lol never would stick around for ski patrol or anyone

What happened to me was going over a jump, I somehow caught right at the apex and it caused me to turn upside down in mid air. I assume that I tried real hard to correct my self ( I don’t remember anything!) but I fell quite a distance from the air onto my head. I then slid quite a bit farther down. My friends dragged me away from the jump and woke me up and got me out of there before patrol showed up and made me go to the hospital. I only remember going down just before the jump, and I remember the top of the next hill. The jump, going don the rest of the way, and the chair lift are all lost forever; that bugs the shit out of me!!

yeah…that blows!

anyone remember what the jumps were like at the end of the year at holiday, throwing nice and high and long! i took my gf’s brother for his first time and went to show him the jumps and how i do when im on them. well aired it the first time, but he didnt see it…so i hiked up high enough to drop in again, got perfect speed and hight, but when i hit the jump a gust of wind hit my chest, got perfect hight but not length, came down on flat and hit my chin on my knee biting my tongue taking a chunk out of it! still landed it! fucking right! lol


come on, 3 threads with the same pictures. now i know you can do better than that! lol

edit: for number of threads so far

how did this turn into a thread about how people hurt themselves

Because we all have ADHD and can’t stay OT to save our lives…

Wait, what was I talking about again?

that was the start of the hurting themselves part

there is more

even :snky: ones you cant see

yeamabu came into it= instant offtopic

agreed, but this is off topic, soooo… lol

ummmmm go fuck yourself!

edit: actually went off topic once someone asked about learning how to snowboard (boxxa or what ever the name is) so again, go fuck yourself