Ha! lib tech/gnu found me an altered genetics

Last year I went to On Snow and rode all this years stuff to figure out what we wanted to order. I also used this time to figure out what I wanted to ride this year. I liked the skate banana 56 but I wouldn’t have minded something a little stiffer. jamie blonde rode incredible, but just a touch stuff (sick freeride/all around board) and I like something softer.

Gnu altered genetics was it. Mag + banana. But the damn things have been sold out since I started asking a month ago! Called the company a few times (which sucks, as quicksilver is moving mervin’s warehouse for their 3rd one in the past 3 years) and nothing. Called my rep a week ago, and finally a few days ago he got back with good news. Board showed up today!

board looks soo stupid. I hate the graphic.


will probably spraypaint the topsheet before I put my bindings on.

for those unfamiliar, in addition to magne traction (serrated edges) and banana (rocker instead of camber) they also genetically engineered a tree; spliced aspen, bamboo and balsa to make these boards.

magna-trac is shit but I guess if you’re just free riding ok… Throw down oldskoo.

What kind of sidewalls is Gnu rocking these days?

I have an old Riders Choice and I loveeee it

Am I the only one that sees GNU and thinks of Linux and the open source license?

www.gnu.org :shrug:

^ I do too

Do you spend tons of time in the park? I personally don’t and prefer a bit stiffer of a board, but the one I have is too stiff and I need that nice medium.

why don’t you like magne traction? it’s pretty big, every board has it now. and they’re the #1 selling company on the west coast

I’m a big fan. Doesn’t feel that much different, but you can put down an edge a lot better in sketchy conditions. Also, for the park you can detune them like everyone does to park boards, but because of the mag you can still have control riding otherwise

oh, and they stopped doing correct cap as there was a large demand for sandwich, plus they gotta mag. or do you mean sintered uhmw sidewalls. actually they’re doing some double sintered thing

meh. i’ll ride rails/boxes if that’s what my friends are doing, but I don’t really go ride that stuff if I don’t have to

however I love wallrides and halfpipes

but yeah, most of the time I just want to cruise. like to take a little green break and keep cruising.

I’m hoping to do a lot more riding this year, the past few years I’ve only gone once or twice a year and gone to vermont for a demo every year.

Maybe I’ve just been over it, I don’t know. Skateboarding is so much better than snowboarding. I’m gonna try and get out more this year, and do a lot of solo riding (always have free time but it’s tough to find friends with coinciding schedules on weekdays. Usually I just don’t go if I don’t have friends to ride with, hope to change that). That’s if I can ride though, as of right now my back is effed.

nice board, i take it that it was costly?
Ive never snow boarded before but it looks fun, costly to get into this sport or not really?

yes and no. good decks can be had for 300, shitty ones can be found for less. this years burton freestyle bindings are great! and they’re like 110 bucks. you can get a good pair of boots for 140, or a decent pair for less

then you can always find last years shit cheaper. bindings that were 150 for 80, etc. We just dumped a bunch of our stuff at the KB swap.

I usually say to people just starting out who couldn’t afford it otherwise to find used stuff. Hell I usually sell my boards for $150-200 with like 5 uses on them. I just sold my barely used magne traction 156 for $175. It’s nice to work at a shop

Hey, per the other thread so should I talk with about a Lib-Tech Dark Series board?

i kinda wanna learn to snowboard. might help the winters pass by.

how much are lessons and typical costs to get started?

Clothing is whatever you want to spend.

Holiday Valley offers a group lesson/school-haus lift ticket, and rental for $65. That’s for a 1.5 hour lesson with a 4-hour lift ticket.

Then you can decide to spend $$ on a board, but I’d say rent for the 1st year, then buy; or buy used to start.

not bad. how many people are in the lesson typically?

hey man i met you at urban a few times… we were goin like 2-3 times a week last year… and this year i will def be there atleast 2x a week. anytime you wanna go drop me a msg or somethin.

Ugh. Nice, nice deck. :tup:

I need to get out this season. I went once last year. Fuck.

the graphics aren’t TOO bad. Nice board, and sounds like some great craftsmanship.

I haven’t bought a board in 6 years and I don’t go nearly as much as I used too :(…

I think they limit it to 15 or 20; I’m not 100%. I learned on my own… the hard way…

My Fiance took the group lesson last year and did ok; I’m getting her a private session this season though. Long story short her instructor was a guy and left her to fend for herself; So she didn’t learn much; We found a female instructor she liked but the season ended before we could go back for a private lesson with her.

The other way to do it is talk with some of the guys on here; a bunch have either boarded for years, or been instructors or are instructors. Then just go rent and spend the time with them.

grab a cheap helmet. My brother just took a spill last year on a small jump and we were in the emergency way too long. We’ve both been boarding for years and after that incident, we are both firm believers in noggin shells.

good thinkin.

what is the closest ski resort to downtown buffalo?

Kissing Bridge is the closest

And a helmet and goggles are both I’d say mandatory. I got a concussion a few years ago, and have sported a helmet since… and it’s saved me from at least another 1/2 dozen of them.

I wish that i would just learn my lesson. I got railed hard and went unconscious, pretty bad concussion. I still do not have a helmet. I did only go once last year however.

I would like to go more this year but finding time and spare $ is not too easy,