Hacked PSP - runs anything, includes tons of games, NES, GBA, PSP games etc...


I took this up as a hobby earlier this year, to see if I could still do it. The system is a PSP 1001, or the PSP fat as the nickname, since it is the thicker system. They came out with 2 or 3 other versions, but this one is preferred since the graphics did not improve on the later models, but the size shrinking made it harder, and less comfortable to hold.

I purchased an 8 gig SD card, and hacked the firmware to the 5.50 GEN-D3 firmware. This means that you can now copy PSP games, NES emulators, SNES emulators, etc. directly to the SD card. The sky is the limit.

Currently, I have the following installed on the system:

  • GBA emulator w/ Advance Wars
  • Final Fantasy 7
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
  • NES emulator with Contra, Mario, etc…
  • Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
  • Final Fantasy: Dissidia Duo Decim 012
  • Tekken 5

Everything is in perfect condition. The battery lasts for near 7 hours, so it is perfect for plane rides and other long trips. System comes with the above mentioned, as well as a really nice carry case, and a cable that hooks up to a USB port, for both transferring files to the system, as well as charging the battery.

This is bad ass for anyone into gaming. I don’t know what to ask for it, so let’s go for $110 or best offer!


ive got one of the slims i hacked, so much better after hacking it :tup:

I had a hacked original, thing was tits, but it chugged a bit on stuff like Super Mario RPG. Now I have the most recent one which I keep original for Monster Hunter, Peace Walker, and because I don’t like Nintendo hand helds…

Anyways glws, to anyone looking for a fun gadget to mess with, stop looking and buy this!
