HAcKeD : Ryans auto detail .... version 2.

This shit is hilarious. He told me about it today so i just took a look at it. Some arabic rap or something. I think theres even a turkish flag on there. All ive gotta say is that this shits hilarious they even added music this time. They seem to be having a good time too. They even gave their email addresses lmao.


LOL, i feel bad for the kid, but it is a bit humorous at least…

its only funny because its very easily fixed by singh. but his bitch-ass is in india now so itll have to wait a little bit :lol

i can totally picture you thinking it was funny if it was some serious thing, though :facepalm

and there’s no music this time, that was last time :lol

i’m listening to the music and playin with da spinny thing

hahrmkarchi ya

it is kinda funny but mean. i should neg-rep you for making funz

U know whos doin it? Email him and tell him that the US had a nuke aimed at his IP adress!

ah derkah derkah

Muhammed Jihad!

teh izlam musak must not be compatible with my mac :lol

i heard it last time, though, it was a catchy beat.

the problem last time was that i enabled “cacheing” in my administrator panel, i turned it off and singh worked his magic and the hackerz were gone in a few minutes. i didn’t touch the settings this time, so it must be someone else on his server (the whole server is haxored)

UMM no.
Its muhammed EL SAIID JIHAD. Probably an allah al acbar somewhere too idk. Yeah im listening to music and they say the admin is max fucked. Even if it is serious im still gonna laugh lol. Theyre turkish for christ sake why are they hacking ryansautodetail lmao.

B/C ryans details are overpriced and he left swirl marks on their 81 honda:retardclap

you’re so stupid :facepalm

there isn’t some islam guy on the other side of that computer googleing “ryansautodetail.com” and then saying “ooooh, i’ll haxor this!!!1”, its all computerized BS.

and if this was serious, why would you laugh? that would be a lot of money out of my pocket and a lot of time wasted from singh :facepalm

lol dont get pissed. FIrst ryan never detailed my cars.

Second you would laugh too if it was someone else. You laughed when i snapped the freaking lca bolt on my car. :facepalm

he wasn’t talking about you, he was talking about the el-sahid people

and i laughed because that was a $5 fix. if this was srs it would be a multiple hundred dollar fix. good try though :retardclap :facepalm

i dont laugh something that someone has put a lot of time and money into.

and i never detailed your cars? i got the hazing off of your old headlights in 2.00037118 minutes

o rly?

ya rly, i guess? :lol i dunno what you’re “o rly” ing about

cc: 2004 PSM STI. Deep fried.

he didnt put any money into that :rofl :rofl :rofl

and i didnt laugh when it first happened, i was 100% behind him (on teh forumz, in person, and financially :facepalm) until i found out the whole story

How much you want to un-haze the lights on my DD? They are bad!!

i’ve got to pick up some plastic polish, im not sure yet

Ok, ive heard of some people wet-sanding and buffing headlights…you have any experience with that? Ive done it on paint obviously, but not too sure about plastic…