Car was vandalized on my OWN driveway.

Some fscking prick (who likely knows me) vandalized my car ON my driveway today! This was while my car was still on my ramp (drive up ramp). I’ve taken pics right after I drove it down the ramp and parked it normally on my driveway. This is completely BS, since my engine is FUBAR’d and my car has no safe way of defending itself… No alarm, no reliable engine, so theres a possibility it’ll blow just driving it down the block, etc.

I came home from work to find that my passenger’s side tail light and signal busted, as well as a rust hole on my driver’s side rocker panel kicked larger (not pictured), a few scuffs on my rear bumper (not pictured), my exhaust being kicked down so it hangs lower than its supposed to (not pictured), what more, the prick(s) even dented my gas cap and made all the rust bubbling shit break off. What I even hated was that it was raining earlier that day. There was a collection of water inside the remaining taillight housing…

I have a suspicion of who did this, since the same person put up an ad on Kijiji/Craigslist under MY name and MY cellphone number offering a 1994 RX-7 FD for $4,600.


Fscking pricks need to grow up. What more, the guy who likely did this is repeating 12th grade high school and doesn’t even have a fscking job (no work experience whatsoever), so they have absolutely know understanding of how this fscking feels to someone who works hard to make a living, get an education and pay for a rust bucket of a car with no complaints. People need to fscking grow up. FFS, I can’t even say “if they had a car, they would know how this feels”, since they don’t own a car and don’t even work. WTF… First personal attacks on MSN from ‘him’ acting as anonymous, then putting up fake ads on Kijiji/Craigslist trying to impersonate me, then they fscking vandalize my fscking car! I don’t care for the fact that my car is an autofsckingmatic rustbucket, its MY car, its MY money. The amount of work and money I’ve put to getting this car to the way it is (still a difference from when I bought it), makes me feel enough that I want to smash some skulls… WTF. Immature pricks better grow up, otherwise, when I do get a 100% straight-shot answer on who it is, I don’t mind spending time in jail for vehicular assault. When I find out who did this, I’m going to run this fscker down…


Anyway, here’s some pics I took:

I was fortunate enough to have removed my Alpine faceplate and left it in the house, otherwise, there would also be a broken window. My only ‘theft deterrent’ device is “The Club”. Yeah, I know its old school and uncool, but its better than nothing. Fsck, my car doesn’t even have working rear brakes, they’re fscking seized!

But seriously though, this is fscking ridiculous… Its only recently that Ajax has started becoming more and more popular because of stupid BS things like thefts and shiz… Heck, now even the weather is Ajax is being reported on BT and Global…

that sucks man if it happened to me and i found out who did i would take a baseball bat to his/her knees but that’s just me ;). Good luck getting it fixed, and hope you find the guys who did it.

My boys and i will help in your fight:D! Where you living in ajax?

thats sucks man

ur lucky tho

he only did like 40$ worth of damage.

he could have dented in ur quarter panel

and whats better is this is canada. provided its ur first offense, u could literallly take a lead pipe, break every one of his limbs individually, cave in his head and make him perminently retarded, turn yourself in and u’ll be out of jail before he’s out of the hospital. man i love canada.

just try not to actually kill him…then ur lookin at about 5 years

Yeah, I know. I’ve already got a dented/rusted rear driver’s side 1/4 panel anyway (just before the bumper). Its probably the most minimal damage on my car, but its purposeful damage though. If it was by accident, fine I’d be pissed, but it’ll blow off after a while. This is a repeated offense by whoever likely did it. The person who did this even used MY name and MY phone number to post ads on Kijiji for a '94 RX-7. I’ve got non-stop calls for about 2 weeks until I found out why all these people were calling me. I report to Kijiji stopped the calls, since they took down the ad, but how would you guys feel if someone impersonated you by using YOUR name and YOUR phone number to place phony ads? I lost a job opportunity because someone called my number and babbled on for about 15 minutes on how he thinks I’m lying about not putting up the ad… Seriously, there was career opportunity and higher wage opportunities with that job. Now my 240 is forced to sit on my driveway as I slave at minimum wage and 26 hour weeks to buy it an engine so I can get it moving again… What are the chances that this guy will come again for another round, god forbid my windows get broken (especially the super-expensive hatch glass or the hard-to-find 240SX triangle insignia windows…)

s13_coupe, if my predictions are right, and its the same guy who’s been doing all this, making him permanently retarded is useless, since he’s already a level beyond that. Thinking that he can barely pass high school (after a second attempt) and still own a multi-million dollar business pimping out all-show-no-go VW Corrado’s with 20" wheels and 500 lbs of audio equipment, dual exhausts, decals and custom interiors, etc. He’s 18 and in grade 12, going to be repeating the grade next year. I know some people do this, but this guy isn’t even trying. He’s just there to look ‘cool’, yet be stupid as a doorknob… /end rant.

that suck, but u know what consider yourself lucky,it could have been alot worse i can find both things for less then $60

Its a shame, it sucks to have shit you love be vandalized or broken. I’ve had it happen as well but not as bad.

Also a shame it wasnt your DS taillight cause i just got my car back from the shop with a new one and have a perfectly fine used one.

I always leave my car in my garage considering 240s in general are becoming high profile.

You have every right to own an “automatic rustbucket” and earn your own living paying for it. :slight_smile:

Sounds like this guy sucks at life.

Hope things work out.

Wow, that sucks. That kid’s an idiot. I’d report damage to local P.D as soon as possible. Kid’s gotta learn that doing stuff like that can get him in alot of trouble. How do you know this guy anyway and how did he get ahold of your number? Drive the car into the garage if you can at all, by the sounds of it, this kid doesn’t know his boundaries and just goes by “spur-of-the-moment” actions. I have a good passenger side tail that I can throw your way for $10 since you’re tight for cash. Send PM this way.
Hope everything works out man, best of luck!

people are assholes btw.
but what can you do as of now, just relax and find a gas cap and a tail light

btw btwbtw!
that last pic of your car is Amazing i love it!

Wow This sucks man. i hate hearing shit like this is going down in ajax. I have always been having dreams of this happening to mine when i brought it out here. i know the first thing i would do is take a bat to his arm. i just live in central ajax and know how disrespect full kids are (even to a golf). i know when i first bought my baby a month ago and took it to school for floors, everyone wanted to do that to mine due to jeliousy. Respect!!! Hope you punish him.

sucks to hear
if you want replacement tail lights pm me
$20 for all 3 pieces.
located in toronto.

Get a camera on your house so you can catch anyone in the future

get use to it, to many thugs and people tryin to be hardcore out there, the other day at the store bunch of hard kids started yellin y0 240 sucks fuck you 240 is gay i got out of my car with a tire iron then they turned and walked away. good time

Thanks for the sympathy guys.

I’ve kinda narrowed it down to who did it on my drive to work this morning. My sister told me something about two teenage kids driving around in an EK Civic that drove by, pointed and laughed at my car while I was underneath working on the exhaust. I’ve seen those kids before, they live about a 1/2 of a kilometer from me. They’ve got two teens that drive the silver EK Civic, pretty quickly and erratically in the residential. Their family vehicles are the Civic and a white 4-door VW Golf. They’ve also got a huge-ass boat that they tow using the Golf (the Honda doesn’t make enough torque to move it :p). Anyway, we’re suspecting its them, since my dad talked to my neighbor 2 doors down who had her 4-door G35 vandalized as well. Busted tail light and super-dented rear bumper (like a retarded, un-hammer-outtable-dent).

No one suspected anything in our neighborhood, since for the most part its just a bunch of little 8-12 year olds and other young families. Heck, three blocks down there’s a black FC and a blob-eye Impreza STi. A few blocks more there’s a guy with a blue 350Z who often has his buddy around with a red FD. They all understand how it is to work hard and pay for a car that people don’t understand and underestimate (FD, Impreza and 350Z by American muscle guys, the rest from normal people)…

Multisynclg, I’ll PM you next week after I get my pay. If I still have enough left over from my new KA, I’ll take 'em off your hands.

Thanks again.

Coop LE - I used to have a huge Mastercraft Maximum torque wrench that I had when I still owned my Stanza. I loved that thing, but lately its been used by my dad for all the work he does on his truck. I’ll likely by one of those stupid-huge torque wrenches at Princess Auto. It may not be as solid as a quality-branded one, but to a bunch of ricer who aren’t “Built NOT Bought” like us, as well as punks, they’re not going to know the difference.

jacktherabbit - What colour is your 240? May be I’ve seen you. I saw a black S14 today at the Wendy’s drive-thru while I was on lunch today.

ARC240 - Its okay man, I’m moving to Guelph this summer (for college), if any problems arise there, then I’ll be taking action. Thanks for the offer for the tail light. I’m going to be getting a full set. My car is faded enough, I just wanted it to look a little more ‘uniform’.

Again, thanks guys

holy shit man that really sucks! how did these kids get a hold of all your personal info?

if you need some small stuff painted, i used to work at a body shop so i can help you out. anything for a fellow /o/tard.

I have the same co lour car as you. Its unlikely that you have seen me around because ive only driven it once out in ajax (the day i got it) cuz now its sitting in the auto shop at j Clarke Richardson high school. im putting news floors in it. If you need any welding or anything within the next 2 weeks feel free to stop by im usually there till 3:30. We should probably meet up some time and chat.

Ah okay. To be honest, I’ve only driven mine once around ajax as well! After that, its been worked on in my driveway.

Hopefully I get paid this week and get my KA motor in, after that we should meet up, I need new exhaust hangers welded in :wink:

Are you on facebook? Add me, I’m Miki N

A week ago someone slashed my front tires an stabbed my oil filter while my car was sitting in the Boston Pizza parking lot! far as I’m concerned if the guy wasn’t man enough to come talk directly to me when he has an issue than he’s not worth my time…

p.s. love the last pic…good to see you have a snese of humour and aren’t wasting your time stooping to his level.

lol do you know who it is?
hahaha xD