Hahah Owned


Basicaly, some ass gets a break and the cop that gave it to him is on the forums lmao!

Haha owned

says page cannot be found for me

hahaha yea the firs tpage only works for me, others dont

thats hilarious tho !

you have to refresh a few times…

im guessing its on a shitty host

EDIT: Appears that whoever runs the site runs it off his home internet connection

so it will be slow



invalid thread specified

link is definitely broken… i tried like 10 times.

bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT!

i see no ownage = :shitsweak:


holy SHIT!



try this



ahh my bad they recreated the thread and took all the awsomeness away from it

heres the lowdown

Kid was racing and got pulled over doing 90mph

the cop gave him a 40 in a 55 ticket (going to slow) 250 dollar fine no points i belive…

the kid asked how to go about fighting it in court…

The cop that pulled him over is on the forums

He posts “You just dont understand when I give you a break do you? Your the jackass that I pulled over speeding in the area where 3 girls were killed last year due to street racing, I would love to see you take me to court, ill bring this in and show it to the judge”

Hilaity ensues…


and then he said that the speed limit was 50 no t55

I cant drive 55
