Anyone Know any Halfmoon judges!?!?!?

I just got pulled over for “speeding” while going the speed limit. The officer, after throwing the ticket at me and telling me the reason he pulled me over was because of my car, was a total douche and slapped me with a 18 over based on “officer direct observation”. Mind you, I was going at best 58 in a 55 and had a black Neon blow past me while going past the cop… :banghead

Any help let me know

where in my neck of the woods did ya get it ?

Just before the twin bridges. right where it was changing from 65 to 55.

ahhhhhh yah got one of my layers then ,judge tollisen

cop was a tool, threw my ticket at me and when I tried to say listen officer, I’m positive I wasn’t going that fast, there was a black Neon blowing past me at the same time we passed you he goes, “well, it’s just your car” then walked back to the car…I’m like you FUCKING douche bag… Then to top it off I get 2 mins from my house and 2 Guilderland cops pulled me over, I forgot to turn my LED strip in my hood scoop off from messing around with it the other day, they let me off though…

you’re fucked.

what was the troops name?

depending on trooper

Officer Anslow

he is out of the c/p bariks on 146 .im suprised he fucked with ya he is normally cool shit he clocked me in my car at 130 and pulled me over just to say it sounded good lolololol .but he is a major domestic fan and HATES imports .i could see what i could do but i never saw boob pics so im tempted to lay low

Id def PM race92hatch. He may be able to get Srg Trooper to drop it for ya…

LOL you’re redic. Well I plan on mailing it in with a plea of not guilty tomorrow. It’s just bullshit though because the ONE time I wasn’t speeding or anything I get shit on…I wish I was speeding just so he had a REAL reason to pull me over


listen ,mail it in and do your thing .what does your lic look like now ? is it clean or ya got other shit on it

LOl i dont know who that is though, I’m sure they don’t want some random chick on a car forum Pm’ing them about a ticket like that haha

1 speeding ticket like 3 years ago that got reduced down to 2 pts and erased with a defensive drivers course. So with a requested driving record from DMV it would be clean

well 18 over isnt a small tick if your clean ,he will prolly give ya a parkin on pave plee 2 points and a fine .dont fight to hard as the court always wins

Speaking from experience:

Clifton Park and Halfmoon courts are such money machines.

I went in to CP court for a fix-it ticket.

Had a cop sign off on the lights being ok (had 3000k yellow HID’s, got ticket, switched to 6000k).

Should be fine to walk out, right?

Nope. $65 surcharge.

For a fix-it ticket.

The judge hadn’t even ever heard of the law against headlight color.

Because there isn’t one, there’s a law for inadequate headlights, and they were perfectly adequate.

Shit was GARBAGE.

Was he Saratoga county? The sargeant is my bro in laws brother and were really close so if worst comes to worst let me know
