ok lets see bills 2-0 playing PLAYOFF TEAMS

Pats 2-0 playing scrubs of the AL east.

Exactly. I don’t see where you get off talking so much shit about the Bills. They certainly aren’t the best team in the NFL, but holy shit. Let the fans of the team enjoy the fact that they have improved immensely over the past couple of years. Stop being a total bitch because your precious patriots are being questioned. We all know that the Pats have an AMAZING team with or without the one and only Tom Brady.

These sound like the words of a true fan:




In a 5 month, 42 page thread dedicated to the Bills, not one positive comment out of you, you sure are right, you don’t seem like a bandwagon fan at all. :zong:

walter u dont know me very well and my humor do u

Please show the posts where I made negative comments about the Bills? I only responded to the trash talk about the Patriots. I simply compared the performance of the “shitty pats” to the “awesome bills” that everyone keeps talking about?

Maybe you shouldn’t be so devensive?

In fact I even said that the Bills are a far cry from their past few years of suck.

Shhhh, that doesn’t help my e-fight / trash talk :newman:


You’ve got to be shitting me… hahahhahahaha.

I don’t feel like going through your posts about negative comments on the Bills. I’m sure there are some, but I’ll take your word for it and figure that they aren’t many. Instead, you’ve been talking endless trash about the fans in this thread and being more defensive that anyone else. Although, judging from the other posts of yours that I’ve seen, it’s apparently your nature.

My mom is not fat…you are so insensitive.

It’s pretty classless to cheer about any player getting hurt, and particularly bad karma to do it DURING THE FUCKING SEASON.


WTF?!Is someone using your computer Newman?

I also came in expecting a post about how everyone that cared about sports was a fggt.

i don’t like sports, but regardless i hate when I get hurt and don’t want anyone else to get hurt, especially when it impacts their livelihood.

u faggts

my friend was talking all kinds of shit about matt cassle and i asked him how many games he started in college, “NONE DUDE!”

but wait… how many games did jp losman start in college “idk dude, like a lot?”

who is doing great this season, and who is sitting on the sidelines?

practicing under one of the best qb’s in football for a few years can do wonders

For someone following the Bills for so long maybe you would know that it’s called the AFC East, not the “AL East,” and the Kansas City Chiefs are in the AFC West.

Also, if you knew anything about football, you would understand that this is this season and that was last season. This early in the season you cannot take credibility away from any win against any team.

For example, that mighty Seattle team you are so proud of beating LOST to the San Francisco 49ers yesterday, and the Jaguars also lost to the Titans in Week 1. Now does Seattle suck or is SF good this year? Or do the Jags suck or are the Titans good this year?

Bottom line, don’t try and take credibility away from any teams record this early in the year, because it’s not like the Bills wins are that impressive.

How those chargers doing?

I couldn’t care less how the Chargers are doing. I’m a Patriots fan.

But nice try.

bahahaha bills fans classless now thats funny coming from a pats fan.

NE fans suck the most balls out of anyone, baseball, football u name it.

Give it up Kev, the only people supporting you still live in their mothers basement.

