Halloween damage...

just dont expect it from kids of parents who live in neigborhoods of houses that i actually framed, and built and they are in the upwards of 750k, actaully i think base starting pacakge is 600 but No body does the Base house

i spent a good chunk of my youth growing up in the North Park Villa. I’m a degenerate fuck. It happens.

^ above two posts are exactly my point with people from the north hills… money means nothing!!! it doesn’t tell people how to act, how to think, how to treat others or how to treat themselves… it’s the parents that cause this shit…

i’m glad my parents weren’t busting their ass my entire life to make the big bucks… instead they were at home and took the time to raise two good kids so that they won’t grow up to be fuck ups…

you’re nieve then…rich kids are some of the worst…& they get away with a lot of shit cause they slip under the radar cause of their parents, status, etc…

so youre saying that there is a time where you ARE a hardcore badass for vandalizing, ever???

i stole a lawn gnomb
that was great

not from a rich family but by no means poor

edit: back in the day

kids are kids, you throw some eggs and bust a few pumpkins doesn;t make you a degenerate or a trouble maker…its just means you’re a immature kid! its when your start smoking dope, drinkin, selling dope, etc… that makes you a piece of shit. I don’t think i egged someones house cause i was tryin to be tough…i just did it cause we got into mischievious stuff as kids. I mean the worst thing i ever did was drive through the flower bed at north catholic because its was some high school rivalry type shit.

Those freaking kids are the worst, because the parents believe this:

They bail the kids out anytime they get in trouble, so they can get into good colleges, and be disrespectful bastard adults.

That means you don’t respect other people’s property, how is busting a pumpkin different from keying a car? It is destroying someone else’s property. And don’t tell me pumpkins have no value, because it’s not your place to decide which of my possessions have value, and which don’t.


no, seriously.


i’m sure your an angel and never did a bad thing in your life. Atleast i’m not so high and mighty that i can admit i did some things when i was younger. Look i grew up in the city, you are influenced by ur friends to a certain point then you decide whats right and wrong for yourself. YEs i threw snow balls at cars but i didn’t got smoke weed in the woods. does that make it right, no, but does it mean i’m a degenerate because of it, no

while destroyin a pumkin is a permanant thing cause once its smashed its smashed, i personally wasn;t into doing things like tagging or messing with peoples vehicals.

If someone would have smashed my pumpkins that my kids carved this year, I would shoot them in the face if I caught them.

I used to do all kinds of fucked up stuff as a kid, but now that I have a house and stuff, kids are not allowed to have their fun like I did. It’s just how it works. :D:D:D

:bigok: its all part of growing up…

the adults that did stuff when they were kids and then let their kids go unpunished are the ones that turn into pieces of shit. i know my dad drag raced cause he told me about it. when i was a few years younger if he had caught me doing it, he would kicked my face in.

i paid those 2 tough guys (1320 and sleepergtp) to guard my house on halloween… noone did shit

It’s your right as a parent to be hypocritical. :smiley:

revenge, thats how i deal with vandals, i dont call the cops…

its my way of being mischievous still, to this day.

no shit i work at ntb me and my boss go to some bar over there called gunneys they have the best wings ever