I go out to my car at 330 this morning to go to work and I see this! :reloading

OMG what is it with people?

Thats fucked up man, did you go to work or had to call off? Same thing happened to me with my nissan except it was the front window…Do you have full coverage? I’m guessing this is another Devils Night thing…time to start sitting on the porch in all black with a pistol in your lap on nights like that

thats what you get for not having any candy out

I took my truck to work. Its only going to run me $100, insurance is taking care of the rest. So overal not too bad, but i’m still VERY pissed.

back in the day, the worst thing we did on devils hight was coat a few cars with the spray string crap. Kids these days need the shit kicked out of them more often.

Ha :squint:

Yeah, there is a big difference between being a pain in the ass (silly string), and destroying OPP. I concur on the ass-whooping. Many parents need to man up.

BS… I can’t believe kids…

When we used to go out, it was TP and eggs, shit that was harmless and washed off… Who breaks windows? That’s just dumb.

If I saw kids fucking with my property they’d be dodging bullets.

No doubt. Cops just called me, they hit 6 cars on surrounding roads/neighborhoods. 6 FUCKING CARS!

It’s the generation directly behind mine, stupid ass preteens-midteens have nothing better to do, hell the worst my friend and I ever did was make peoples car alarms go off and play knick knock, anything worse and people called the cops

I heard two kids who went to school with me went through 6 counties destroying property, it was in the paper last year. Apparently destroyed like 1/4-1/2 million in windows and shit. The worst part is they never got caught.

Guess what buddy… Same thing happened to me, but it was the windshield.

Ya I saw your thread man. This shit is messed up.

my buddy’s car got stolen… black 99 grand am 2 door in bridgeville

Its got a stock primered wing. if you notice it anywhere let me know

The explorer i drive was egged last week while i was over my grandmothers.
I laughed and took it to the car wash.

Just paybacks when i was a kid :boink

now breaking shit is different, wouldnt stoop that low. that is fucked up.

< light sleeper FTW

Haterz :reloading:

One of my housemate’s window got broken 3 nights ago. But they grabbed his Ipod he left sitting on the passenger seat (stupid move). It was obvioulsy a punk-ass kid not a “pro” though cuz they didn’t even bother to look in the glove box where his GPS was or the trunk where his sub/box/amp was. Fucking kids.

For the night before and Halloween we took all of our cars but 2 and kept them in the gated/secured under-building garage at work. The 2 we kept went in the garage here. Sort of a PITA but it was worth it to be able to sleep the last 2 nights knowing our shit was safe. And on the way there I Shaggy roll-raced my housemate’s FD (stock rotary/twins but all the other bolt ons) with my girl’s '02 SS (lid/catback) and beat his ass. Haha.


happened to a friend of mine, but every window beside the windshield got destroyed on her 99 GS Mitsu, acts of vandalism are covered under her insurance with no deductible