Halloween damage...

Well, i thought i was going to get away with not having to care one bit about the ghey holiday, but i was wrong.

This morning i have my tiltbed at my house loaded up and come out in the morning and freakin side of it is egged. Seriously, i live in Hampton twp… My shop in New Ken is fine, not one sign of distrubance and my other shop in butler nothing… i was more worried about the shops being near bad area’s rather than outside my freakin house!!


local trouble makers driving up and down rt.8 shooting out windows last month, reminds me of the concrete blocks at the end of wildwood extention that used to read “HAPMTON” with the A replaced with an O to read “HOMPTON” like compton, little shits think they are funny,…

im with ya on that grrrrrrrrrrrrr

ps little fuckers, thanks for the broken window and the 2 hours out of my bed to clean it and board it, that was fanstastic. :hahano:

yeah, i saw someone egg my bro’s car out in the street, by the time i could get mine out of the garage and chase they were gone, i know it was a dark colored SUV and I’m pretty sure i know where i can find them… I washed the car right away…no problems

Wow, I forgot about the “HOMPTON” on those concrete blocks, those have been that way since I was in high school at Deer Lakes…I think I moved in 94 or 95 and they were like that. We used to make fun of them because we just figured Hampton kids couldn’t spell their own school name.

those concrete barriers used to say all kinda stuff… and if you are REALLY hardcore, you’d remember when they were jersey barriers!

I used to put up with that bullshit too, when i lived in Meadow ridge in Hampton. Fucking smashed pumpkins, egged houses, one time some low life even put dog shit on the seat of my truck.
Happiest day of my life was when i moved out of Hampton and Allegheny county…

kinda off topic but where is your shop in new ken i work in lower burrell

thats weird… you live in a really nice neighborhood.

what year did you graduate?

Id expext this from milvale/ Shaler/ etna/ Deer Lakes kids but Hompton, c’mon, really

i grad in 99. and ya, its technically a great neighborhood.

my shop is in arnold right on freeport rd. next to performance auto. I usually have a couple turds sitting out front.

Probably less shenanigans in really bad areas. There’s more important things to take care of like selling crack, robbing, etc. No time for screwing around throwing eggs, there’s business to attend to!

i graduated in 96, but not from Deer Lakes, I moved to Phoenix, AZ during my Senior year and finished school there

devils night ftw

haha and people in the burbs complain about the city. :rofl: sucks they got your crib thou… did you ever do that as a kid? maybe its God gettin ya back.

only the real hardcore badasses vandalize around halloween :rolleyes:

Shaler Township is less ghetto than a good chunk of Hampton.

OK, dad :ugh2:

I didn’t think god was vengeful, but that’s a different thread.

Nothing happened around my neighborhood. :slight_smile: Sucks it happened to you. :frowning:

there are a ton of degenerats in the north hills… why do you people find it hard to believe there are idiot kids in hampton? wtf??? it’s not like they screen parents… this has nothing to do with location and more to do with mis-behaving dipshit kids.

there are idiot kids everywhere.
