Halloween: Wha Happun?

pumpkin carving with chooch-monster

chillin pre trick or treating

gettin his spiderman on

lookin good dog

my gf’s 18 year old brother being an ass, me lol’ing after a few adult beverages. yes those are glow sticks in my hand

my badass pumpkin

i really havent been into halloween at all the last few years but once you have a little kid in your life that gets sooooo freaking excited, it makes the whole thing fun again

ps, little dude is my gf’s nephew

went to joes for a party, broke up the only fight ive ever witnessed over beer pong, stayed in sat cause its amateur hour, went running sunday, then to blue monk for sunday evening beers.

lol I was under the bar fiddling with the CO2 lines and I heard noise and looked up and was like :fu:
Least we ended up with no problems the rest of the night though. Fucking hotheads. There’s no feelings in beer pong.


just a couple of bros being bros

wtf haha sounds like a lot of you guys had fun

Worst Couch Ever. :slight_smile:

I worked on my car and gave out candy. Exciting!

couldnt take my daughter out for her first halloween because she was sick :confused: so ill dress her up later to get pics

but i went out the night before as a pussy magnet


her pm inbox is probably already full, lol

unless you have an ls1 or < its a no go

Drew ask for nudes!

LS2 here, will trade engine bay pics for noodz

or you can just trade a t56


lol ya it is pretty bad

they’re in the process of closing on a new house, so hopefully this is one of the things that get pitched to the curb haha

So LS1 or > + T56 is newds?

Check mate.





so when will you be shipping out said t56?

interesting conversation can i play ? it says nothing about actuly having to give you a t56 just says or trade for a t56 so my post is of said item