Halo 3 Beta goes live May 16th.

Guess now I know when to put in my 2 weeks :tup:



score. whats your GT? i assume u play H2?

Is this beta version only available to the people who bought Crackdown or is it for everyone?


with this and guitar hero and blue dragon, i may not sell my xbox!

only for people who bought the game or who were selected by bungie to be beta testers

3 week trial period…i will definitely NOT have a life for those 3 weeks

  1. work
  2. halo3
  3. sabres
  4. halo3
  5. work
  6. halo3
  7. work
  8. sleep at work
  9. halo3


I may have to buy Crackdown. I liked the demo. Now if I could just get my damn 360 back.

Might not find a copy with the Beta key in it. It was supposed to be for the pre-orders only but there may be some copies still out there :gotme:

Well shit. Eh that’s OK I never thought Halo was that good anyway.

i can see some drunken halo 3 action at mikeys in the near future :slight_smile:

Yeah, I missed the boat for crackdown with the beta crap in it. Anyone got a hook up? I just posted this for the hardcore halo n3rds. :help:

Call some EBs and see if anyone traded in copies with the beta key. Or check eGay, only 2 possibilities I can think of.

I have crackdown… I wonder if I need to put the crackdown CD in to play the demo? If not, and I can just download halo and I can let you guys use the CD.

Although, FYI is one of my favorite games. If you guys are thinking about buying it, you should (I think you can find some with the beta)

Good call, ill give it a shot. :tup:

The Crackdown CD MUST be in the system to play the beta.

FWIW, crackdown was being advertised as EVERY copy having an invite to the beta AFTER it was released…im pretty sure the “pre-order only” was just to get preorders on the game as i actually havent seen a copy yet without the invite…

:tup: Flawless victory. Perfect, Ill go pick up my copy of crackhead or crackpipe or whatever it is before beta goes live :tspry: