Halo 3 - Anyone on? (the beta is ALIVE )

aaaaaaaaand my life is over for the next two weeks :slight_smile:


btw, Halo 3 release date is officially 9/25/07 :tspry:

should i expect to not see you at hockey haha

no access to the beta :frowning:

problems with the beta as of now, M$ is working on it

life now consists of work, hockey, halo, work halo hockey…couple naps thrown in

thankfully theres a good chance the sabres won’t be around much longer so thats one less thing in the equation :stuck_out_tongue:

this is gay… what is taking so long

i wish i could play it :frowning:

I dont know if anyone else had access for the multiplayer beta but ive been playing it all day. its sick.

does it have a cold?

merged :roll:

still waiting to download it off crackdown…

edit - i did find this. it was posted at 6:55pm

“We’re happy to finally announce that the issues being faced with the Halo 3 beta and Crackdown will be resolved shortly. The Microsoft team has found a solution and it’s undergoing final testing now.

Assuming the test pass goes according to plan, the fix will come in the form of a Crackdown title update within the next three to six hours.

We understand many of you were eagerly awaiting your chance to jump into the Halo 3 Beta and this technical issue has put a damper on your plans. Thankfully the fix is incoming and we’re sincerely sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. Ultimately we hope this will all soon be a distant memory once you pick up the Spartan Laser, launch yourself from a Mancannon and enjoy online shenanigans with your friends.

As a reminder, people who already have the Halo 3 Beta are unaffected by this issue. We’ll keep you posted as soon as we have more information.”

I downloaded it this morning and been playing it all day!!!

Initially, the controls are weird but you get used to them in 10 min and I love how when you have dual weapons, you can reload each individually.

What are you impressions?

I am boxxakid on xbox live so just add me. I will be on all night :slight_smile:

Is it Xbox LIVE only or is it single player demo too?

I already miss my xbox 360 :frowning:

ugh i need to get crackdown i still dont have this :bloated:

its on live.

DL it now

merged again.

u got a modded 360?, if so ill give you my crackdown, the game sucks ass to begin with, but i dl halo with it :slight_smile:

FTW, playing now!


