Halo: Reach

Sure. It was more upsetting because banned consoles had their HDD rights taken way, which is complete BS. You pay for Live, not HDD service. When you sign the agreement for Live, you sign the agreement for the ONLINE service. When you pay for your XBox, that HDD is YOURS and not THEIRS. At least that’s how it would logically work since you are taking ownership of the physical hardware from them. You aren’t renting it or paying a rental fee. Many modders put in huge 500GB drives, and those also got banned (from accessing the HDD to save entire game discs). Last I knew, they were being sued. Not sure how that turned out.

As for burned games. You could buy 5 Xbox’s with the money you would have otherwise spent on games. Plus, some people only use live for updates (especially for sports games). But guess what, if you know how to use a computer, you can get those updates without connecting to live as well so…really…you don’t miss ANYTHING by not getting on live.

Do everything off-line = profit