Hamburg on 20/20?

A few of my friends said hamburg,ny was on 20/20 tonight becasue of an outburst of hepititus C.:bloated:

Is this true?

Hep C is fucking sweet.

Not really.
But that’s weird.
People just don’t get Hep C, unless they’re like, getting a tattoo with a dirty needle, shooting heroin (frontier…), getting it from birth, or like, got a blood transfusion before like 1987 or something.

So that is weird.

…or…sleep with Pam Anderson

hmmm maybe she has slept with everyone in Hamburg , i would not put it past her, good point

its actually because of a huge heroin problem in Hamburg. Lots of youth are getting Hep C from sharing needles.

that is funny, like in africa to cure AIDS, it is rumored that you have to sleep with a virgin and you are cured…


Hep C is fucking sweet.

Not really.
But that’s weird.
People just don’t get Hep C, unless they’re like, getting a tattoo with a dirty needle, shooting heroin (frontier…), getting it from birth, or like, got a blood transfusion before like 1987 or something.

So that is weird.



Another ignorant person lol. Frontier is looked at as being so “bad” because our problem is public, north town schools keep everything hush because they don’t want their prestige and upscale appearance going down the tubes.

actually this was on the news yesterday. they’re saying there has been a lot of Hep C cases in Hamburg but they have no stats to compare them to, to see weather it’s a normal amount of cases or an epidemic.

^^the north town schools dont have a problem thats was as bad/widespread as Frontier’s.

eck! i will watch that and make sure i don’t come into contact with anyone that is interviewed.



Another ignorant person lol. Frontier is looked at as being so “bad” because our problem is public, north town schools keep everything hush because they don’t want their prestige and upscale appearance going down the tubes.


yea i dont know about that, i have heard some pretty bad stories aka guys sticking tampons in there ass soaked in god knows what drug so the high lasts all day while in school :bloated: as well as many people in what i though was a nice neighborhood selling patches and stealing shit out of cars and and peoples garages aka my rims never heard of that shit in amherst high

more like superaids with girls like dawn running around hamburg.


dex, we need to talk off of nyspeed, for real.

and to other people, it’s really hard to get hep c from just sexual intercourse, unless you have a large cut on your dick and fuck a girl on her period.

thank you, and i’m out.

Isn’t the outbreak at all related to the fact that Newman lives in Hamburg?


, unless you have a large cut on your dick and fuck a girl on her period.


:headbang: you and I are destiny. You described my fetish to a “T” (well, minus the thumb in a hairy female asshole)


dex, we need to talk off of nyspeed, for real.

and to other people, it’s really hard to get hep c from just sexual intercourse, unless you have a large cut on your dick and fuck a girl on her period.

thank you, and i’m out.


Oh shit…:snky:

^^ sounds like something dawn would do





yea i dont know about that, i have heard some pretty bad stories aka guys sticking tampons in there ass soaked in god knows what drug so the high lasts all day while in school :bloated: as well as many people in what i though was a nice neighborhood selling patches and stealing shit out of cars and and peoples garages aka my rims never heard of that shit in amherst high


I know… I went there (Frontier), graduated in 04.

Thats all anyone hears…stories. So you can listen to the stories or someone who attended the school lol.

We had a huge discussion in my ethics class a few weeks ago and some kids who graduated from Amherst and other schools said that the problem was bad at their schools as well, but it was kept quiet.