

:rofl typical dirts

Wow. Typical

I’m curious as to where these 40 people randomly popped up from?

“They” are like cockroaches. They find a dark, damp place to live and they flourish. Squatting on each others land until all resources are consumed. Then they turn to cannibalism which is the real reason they attacked the cops.



So the Zombie Apocolypse will start in Amsterdam, NY.

They are all fucking dirt bags. As much as I hate the cops in my city/town, most are only one step bellow these scumbags. Alot of them run their mouths just as much as the PR’s and think they are gods behind the badge, its isnt a suprise that this happened. My brother was body slammed one night by an APD when he was 14 becasue they were goofing off and ring and ran on a house. The cop jumped out of the bushes and elbowed him in the back of the head. Cop wasnt in uniform either and my brother thought it was some crazy fool. Turns out a bunch of kids in school ring and ran the same house and the apd was watching it, and my brother and a few of his friends tried it and got caught. My brothers friend ran up to him and almost decked the cop that tackeled him becasue he also thought it was some maniac. 14 year old kids getting practically jumped by adults cops or not isnt cool, granted they were harassing someone, but still.

I also whitnessed my friend get tackeled by an APD in my own back yard. He was drunk (of age) and was hanging out at our friends house up the hill behind my parents house. He lost his cell phone and needed a ride home, so he walked down to my house and knocked on the window at my brothers room. My mother tends to blow thing out of proportion, saw “someone” walking around the house and called the cops. The cops showed up at the same time I walked outside and noticed it was my friend. I was already talking to him when the cops came up the drive way, and one of the bolted at him and slammed to the ground and cuffed him. I flipped out and said what the fuck are you doing he is my friend and itsnt a threat to us. I ended up taking him home, of course no charges, and the entire way we got tailed by different cops following us through the city. LOL they thought they were slick staying behind and radioing ahead to pick up another car as they turned off! We drove all over in circles until they gave up! lol

What else, last year we had a few friends over at my parents house while they were home btw. There was one person who was 20, the rest were 21-27. About 12 of us. The 20 year old never drank in his life, the rest of us were drinking a bit but not hammered, just hanging out around the fire shooting the shit. no noise, its a small fire in the back yard no harm at all. We all of a sudden hear some branches and shit in the woods, and can see flash lights go on and off. We had no idea wtf was going on, and one of my friends yelled out who the fuck is there. No answer, then a few of us got up and started to man up not knowing what was going on. Then the flash lights came on and they said they were the APD. They asked us what we were doing, we said hanging out a the fire at our house with some friends, wtf are you doing sneaking up on us in the woods? The asked if anyone was underage, we said yes. lol then the shit hit the fan and they asked for id’s and the underage guy, he had a cup of sprite and they were like you cant be drinking if your underage. he said I am not and handed him the cup! lol The rest of us were well over the age and asked them WTF bussiness they have coming on our property to do this and said it sure as hell wasnt a complant. They said they saw all the cars in the drive way and thought they needed to investigate, becasue they “know our house”.

The APD are scumbags, and so are the PRs down there… amsterdam sucks.

Fucking beaners.

God I hate that shit, cops have been more and more frequent in my area, I assume for this reason.

Not surprised… I’m fucking glad I moved out of there 6 years ago and haven’t looked back. I only go back to see my parents.

Amsterico is a shit hole. I actually used to be in a band with some friends from that gutter. I was coming home from a session one night and all of a sudden about 10 Ricans threw this dude out in front of my fuckin’ car and started beating him with bats and shit. Crazy place, it is… I lived near Arbor Hill 5 or 6 years ago and never saw shit like that.

haha yes

Mike, is that you? This story sounds vaguely familiar.

Haha, yeah what’s up bud?

Same shit different day man, how about you?

Amsterico 15 years ago wasn’t quite as bad. The PR population was mainly in the East End down on Main St. Unfortunately over these past 15 years they’ve creeped up out of the valley and the scum are even found up in the town of Amsterdam, where I grew up.

I do remember the racial wars in high school, lining up on opposite sides of the main hallway. I also remember one kid trying to pick a fight with one of the assistant principals. Fun times.

+rep for ^ and sig :lol

For the most part they are all posers. It takes 10 of them to do anything becasue one or 2 at a time they are pussy shits.

It isnt all gargage, community wise. My parents house if on Northampton rd, and about a mile down from there its the line… The middle school north is fine. Behind my parents house by golf course rd is very nice, and there are some 1mill houses around if you know where to look. it just sucks that the main way in and out of the city is a shit pile.

Maybe it was my fault, they might have tailed me heading out your way.