
That too, when i was in school grad in 2001 it was comical. I have prs get in my face and yap off in spanish and i just laughed at them. Luckly me being a small guy, had lots of big friends so I didnt have anything to worry about. My class ran the highshcool, they didnt mess with us really.

Oh I know… my aunt lives on Golf Course Rd, and both sets of grandparents over by Muni itself. I just couldn’t do it - couldn’t live there anymore. Its not like areas of Albany aren’t just as bad if not worse.

I nearly beat the shit out of a kid who pulled into my parent’s freshly paved driveway, peeled out, and pulled back in 5 minutes later because my father flipped him off. He got out of his car, spit at my father, ran back into his car like a pussy and took off. I grew up by the high school - shit like this didn’t happen up there till 5 years ago.

I guess I’m a little biased in my opinion. Going to shut up now.

I heard it got worse once I graduated. I was class of '98. One also ripped one of the water fountains off the wall, exposing a 3 inch pipe that started gushing water out into the hallway. I can only imagine what your class was like.

Holy huge rant by KK. :rofl


How un-American of them.

Yeah thats how I roll! lol

yeah thats why I moved too, I bought a house on Mc Donald Dr in FJ. Farenough away from the shit heads, but close enough to do what i need and be near my family too.

The caption to this is “Some Greasy Spic”

how about this genius.

I heard about that on the radio this am too! fucking nuts. The passengers are just as if not more, dumb-er than the driver to even think of going on a 150Mph ssssmokin highway blast when they were drinking.

like Duke Nukem said once, Kill them all and let god sort it out. they should have hit a tree instead of a guardrail.

They are lucky. Usually someone ends up getting killed in this scenario, and its not the person who was drunk and driving at 153mph.

3 passengers… 153 mph… drunk… NICE. Right near where b-ri lives too.

mechanicville or duanesburg? :lol


a little red honda hatch mang

Back home i mean, d-burg.

Looks like our friend made it to Jalopnik

and I LOVE the comments on there

" tofuman001 04/28/10

If I had a Neon, I’d be on the drink too. Reply JC Whitless promoted this comment"