handgun ranges?

Any handgun ranges in the butler area? If so, public? I need to try out my new 9mm.

The NRA lists every indoor/outdoor shooting ranges in every state. Check with them first.

hangun ranges?

I think they did away with those in the early 1900’s


Dave and I have been here. Nice place…not in Butler though

Right off the 79 north wexford exit. State Gamelands. pretty nice setup for handguns/rifles

21 in 8 months, cant wait :moon:

Is there an address so I can google it?

Dude…carrick sportsmens club,mingo range, outer parts of west jeff, parts of funnyville,parts of south park,library sportsmens club…there are tons of places to go shoot a lil ol’9mm man. Depnding on which grain u use n township u could even do it off ur back porch.

where in South Park? I never knew they had a range out there.

Carrick sportsmens club,up the road from the new CO GO’s.


why would you need a range to check out a gun? go into the woods, or drive past Schmeider’s house and pop off a few rounds.

Nothing he isnt used to :rofl: