
How is it that everyone seems to bitch about getting a bad handshake, but 75% of people seems to give me the dead fish. Or at least a semi-flaccid paraplegic fish.

nothing is gayer than a terrible handshake

Yeah, a limp wrist handshake is pretty terrible.

I fucking GRIP that shit. Even w/ girls.

Side note: I don’t have large hands… Have you ever shaken someone’s hand that was SO BIG it was like holding a textbook made out of skin?

The worst is a flaccid old person handshake. The skin is always a little too soft and loose. It’s almost like they’re already dead when you’re touching them. :eekdance:

lol. Yes, because I’m probably close in size to you.

That came out wrong.


when you shake a guerilla hand, you have to make sure you get good thumb-web contact first before you tighten hands, or he’ll think you’re a pussy

Haha, yeah. HATE the premature squeezers…


OMG. That happened to me when I went to introduce myself at the career fair. I was fucking pissed. I looked like the handshake ruiner because he jumped the gun and grasped my fingers. Fucker. Luckily I didn’t care about that company.

NOTHING good can come after a limp dick handshake

I HATE the finger squeeze… I admit, though, that I don’t shake a woman’s hand as I would a man’s. Women get more treatment at the front of the hand. No webbing contact, less grip and certainly no shake. Then again, this would be a casual introduction. In a professional setting I would still shake a woman’s hand as I would a man’s.

I shake a girls hand the same way I would a man’s. Maybe SLIGHTLY less grip.

I don’t really shake a woman’s hand in a purely social introduction. It’s more of you taking her hand in yours to merely recognize she exists. There is no need for the kind of handshake one would use to either assert dominance or even glean personality info. I guess I don’t care enough or maybe it’s a respect thing…

I lighten up my grip a bit for a girls hand. Everything else is the same.

Ive got big hands and a pretty strong grip and I love when people give me the dead fish and I just crush their shit. Hopefully next time they’ll learn how to shake someones hand.

this is what i do as well.

ugh, I hate when I prematurely un-grip. I feel gay.

This is true. Your handshakes are always very enthusiastic.

However, when I shake your hand (or really anyone thats “just” an acquaintance) I tone it down. Firm & sincere, yet not strong enough to make an impression.

When its someone new, a bigger business acquaintance, or someone I care to make an impression upon, I put my ass into it.

And, +1 for early claspers. :picard: